
I'm not so sure about this one. I agree based on published numbers, but I've read a lot of cases where factory cars were dyno'd and found to have far more power than advertised. This also happened a lot with Japanese cars understating power due to a 'gentleman's agreement' among the manufacturers.

Clarkson likes a British car? I'm shocked.

I picked up an '84 944 about 6 weeks ago and just got it in decent running shape yesterday. Definitely a fun little car, now I just have to make it look the part.

150hp doesn't make for a fun hill climb.

Not true. USB is a 5V port, so if a device expects 12V, a USB probably won't work.

The Ferrari looks like a clown shoe. The Corvette looks fast and aggressive. Also more cohesive looking despite being aftermarket.

I hate comments like this. What has society come to? 150 years ago people were killing each other over card games. There will always be dregs of society, we just hear about every single one of them now.

Not necessarily. Electrics don't generally have a multiple gear transmission, but they can still optimize the gearing. There is a trade-off of torque at the wheels versus top speed.

The base 944 wasn't terrible like the 924 was. I just bought my 944 a few weeks ago :-D.

Unfortunately, the energy trying to rip apart the flywheel is also proportional to the square of the rotational speed.

Queue fanboys saying that it's not a Neon, it's an SRT-4.

The first 300zx was even uglier. At least the 280zx still had the cool headlights.

I'm with you, I love everything else about the Miura, but I can't stand the eyelashes.

So I'm guessing the light blue line is supposed to be g/kW, not g/km?

I wonder how pissed he is about the recent advances in 3d printing. Even if the plastic wouldn't work for most of the parts, it could be used for molds, which are probably a pretty good chunk of the work.

There is also the question of if anyone would want to cruise around on that boat again. It isn't some cargo ship that just has to be functional again, a cruise ship is all about marketing.


I agree, but I suspect she isn't registering vehicles in her name, either. I think the only solution would be to lock her up.

Making them illegal didn't seem to help much either.

If she drives whether she has a license or not, taking it away seems irrelevant.