
The 'right to remain silent' is not literal, it is the right to not comment on your legal situation. Miranda Rights are just the agreed upon verbiage for informing someone of their 5th amendment rights.

The police can't compel you to show identification unless it is specifically required for your current activity (i.e. driver's license). I believe your only obligation is to give them your name if they ask.

That's what I said, though I suspect their terminal velocity is similar since they have a density similar to that of people.

Mind = Blown

If you asked the driver of the Mercedes how fast he felt he was going, the answer would probably be eight trillion times faster than the Nissan. I have ridden in a G63 AMG (with a mere 536 horsepower) and I can attest that being in one under full acceleration is akin to being pushed off a tall building while riding an

So Jeep thinks there is a market for this in the US but doesn't think a Ram Raptor would sell? Automaker Darwinism at its finest. There's a reason Chrysler has always been #3 of the big 3.

LeMons racer. The sight of that fish face in a rear view mirror would drive your competitors off the road.

I would normally agree with you, except their valuation is so high right now I don't know if there is any company big enough to swallow the price.

I prefer the taste of natural carbonation, you definitely get more of a yeasty taste, but the problem is that it results in either sediment or cloudy beer, neither of which is visually appealing.

Wheat beers like hefeweizen are particularly sweet and mild and are a good way to get started. Avoid pale ales and IPAs for a while, it takes a good bit of time to develop a taste for hops.

I think a truck running over one sitting on the ground could probably kick it up. Probably not if it was sitting down in its hollow, but just sitting on the asphalt.

Excuse me while I go put on a clean pair of pants.

This really sucks. There are no non-ovals that attract major racing events in the metro area. I don't blame the drivers for not liking the track that was setup, going over the rails was a show, but it was great for motorsports in the area. Attendance was down some from last year, but still strong and I think Baltimore

I think this is a correct use of the word irony.

When I got to the list of things at the end, my eyes went to the upper-left expecting to see Gawker. I was surprised it was still Jalopnik. I stopped reading Gawker over this type of stuff and I'm pretty damn liberal.

I think the stripe helps hide that ridge, which would be pretty obnoxious if it wasn't obscured.


The 918 uses an onboard 7 kw/h lithium-ion battery that powers three electric motors mated to a 608-horsepower V8. This allows the car to run pure electric or a hybrid combination regulated either for around-town calm driving or pure speed.

Where's the telemetry data? I know they are keeping it under wraps for competitive advantage, but I want to see some G-force numbers.

I think there is some potential for the aftermarket with electric cars, it will just take a little while for people to figure it out. Higher output motors that sacrifice battery range will be popular, much like adding power at the expense of mileage currently. As super capacitors improve they will be great for track