
Orange-red and turquoise, you say? So not even the moon is safe from crappy Hollywood color correction these days.

It clearly serves as an homage to 2001.

My theory: Titan is actually Solaris.

And yet, Zimmer's endlessly bombastic scores ARE distracting, and frequently seem to have no grasp of the emotion of a scene.

Juxtaposing it with the awesome and iconic '66 and '89 themes really accentuates the blandness of the Hans Zimmer score.

Well, at least this show won't be falling into the tired, dumb "hero creates villains by being a hero" trope.

You just know that would backfire an end up with Sean Bean dying some amazingly grisly death.

Well yeah. What do you expect? For them to actually start acting responsibly to protect their pets? That would be insanity.

Isn't Thor basically the male equivalent of Wonder Woman?

The Dark Knight did have the full white eyes effect when he went into bat vision mode.

Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Bruce Timm's art style either. But I don't think that's why people love his shows so much. It has more to do with the fact that they were incredibly well-written and had a real understanding and love for the characters.

It doesn't surprise me that people would pull a crappy move like that, but it does disappoint me that a person with such an idealistic optimism for humanity as Roddenberry would pull a crappy move like that.

Wow. Roddenberry really didn't have any grasp of the concept of meter, did he?

Sounds a lot like what Cloud Atlas was doing.

Actually, I'd kind of love it if a real, non-shit franchise did this. Where each installment featured a different director doing their own spin on the subject matter, and recruiting different actors that fit their specific vision for the characters.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure not even Christopher Nolan knows what political message the Dark Knight movies were trying to make.

I grew up in the country and have encountered many black widows over the years. They really are beautiful creatures. So are wasps. I will kill them if they're in a place where I can't avoid disturbing their nests, but otherwise, live and let live.