

The only thing new about this phenomenon is that it now applies to superhero movies. Back when Westerns were the big cultural juggernaut, all the big-name respectable actors did Westerns. It's just how these things work.

Indeed. I'm not sure how the Wachowskis keep getting money, but I'm so, so thankful that they do. Very rarely does someone make a new movie that's completely unlike anything I've ever seen. The Wachowskis have done it three times. I hope Jupiter Ascending is a hit so they can keep getting more money to do their

I was thinking 90's James Hetfield, but that works too.

One fish, two fish, red fish, dead fish.

"Michael Bay made a pretty good movie about it."

They portray them as magic. Coraline and The Price also cast cats as magical good guys.

based on the one episode I've seen, Elementary is alright. But updating Sherlock Holmes for a modern police procedural is a very different (see: much less stupid) task than a Wizard of Oz medical drama.

That is such a perfect description of reboot Kirk.

That is the biggest flaw with the sequels, IMO.

If you can make one that simulates waterbending, it'll totally trump this underwater waterfall.

A man-made underwater habitat, based on a movie, based on real underwater habitats. Makes sense to me.

Yep. And the reason I think Demolition Man works is that it takes left-wing nanny state ideology so far as to become totalitarian in its implementation, which is a bad thing whether it stems from conservative or liberal principles.

If you want a hugely influential Fascist superhero movie, look no further than The Dark Knight.

It's pretty damning that the best live-action Wonder Woman costume comes from the damn porno parody.

They were both influences on his character. As was Sid Vicious.

Yeah, I think the model does a good job. I just really hate hipster beards.

Can't say I'm a big fan of Shaggy's hipster beard.

I think the problem isn't that the female characters on The Walking Dead aren't poorly written (because they definitely are) but that they get singled out for it in a way their male counterparts don't. Rick is a HORRIBLY written character at this point, and he never gets the kind of venom that people directed at

The entire season 3 finale was just one big pulled punch.