
Wasn't a huge chunk of Preacher all about deconstructing Cassidy and showing how he WASN'T cool?

Oh, I love Morpheus too. He's one of the most interesting characters in the history of fiction, in my opinion. I just wouldn't use the word "cool" to describe him.

Death, yes. But Dream is a guy who sent a girl to hell for rejecting him. Kind of the opposite of cool.

Morpheus? I'll give you badass, but isn't he a little on the emo side to be considered cool?

Further proof that art design, not graphics capabilities, is the key to a great-looking game.

That sounds absolutely horrific.

I remember hating Contact when I watched it when I was younger, but I decided to re-watch it recently to give it another shot. And there were a few things I liked about it this time around, but overall it struck me as a movie that no idea what its message was supposed to be.

Oh it's definitely got a happy ending... still uncontrollably weepy, but by the end they were tears of joy.

I understand this sentiment to an extent. There have been times when I knew I was watching something horrible, but the score left me feeling weepy and emotional, which then led me to a feeling of "What the hell? Screw you, manipulative filmmakers!" But when it all comes together, and something magical happens with

Maybe that's because the mere mention of The Iron Giant will make anyone who's seen it begin weeping uncontrollably?

Gah, stupid io9 comment system making me think my comments aren't going through.

I was going to post something exactly to this point. I own the Jurassic Park, Sunshine, and Superman soundtracks, and every time I listen to them, I can close my eyes and believe I live in a truly magical world.

I haven't seen it, but didn't the director's cut of Daredevil actually get pretty good reviews?

Pretty sure Affleck is actually a big comics fan. He's said that he took the role of Daredevil because he had been a huge fan of the character since he was a kid.

Bounty hunter =/= spy.

I always imagined Case as a cyber-hacker version of Ewan McGregor's character from Trainspotting. And on that note, I think Danny Boyle would be a great director for this movie. He would be able to capture the dark comedy of the book that most other directors would lose.

Okay, seeing all the cool stuff being added to the Hobbit is helping calm my perma-pessimist fanboy skepticism some. Now the big concern is whether or not Jackson can take all this cool stuff and structure it all in a way so that each installment feels like a complete movie, rather than half of one. *cough, Deathly

Holy crap. I had heard the allegory of the cave before, and of course I've seen the Matrix, but I never tied the two together. You've just made The Matrix that much cooler in my eyes.

Unnnnnngh. On second thought, nevermind.

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal