Jamie White

That’s fucking rich coming from you.

Oh boy. This is rich. Says the website enabling swatting, including by shadow banning me and deleting my report about the swatting I received from a Kotaku-ite.

Just wanted to reply here with my take from the other thread you posted this in.

If an actual long-time member of the community was fed up enough to leave, that’d speak volumes.”

I hope you’re telling them the same things, with even stronger wording. I have a feeling not so much.

I’m going to reply because you have some very valid advice but I will say that framing it the way you did, was like an underhanded compliment, except not at all good.

Luckily, where I am the police don’t really do much of a job at all!

Coming to a website I love and frequent, which I only recently had the job of telling that potentially another user of said site took some very dangerous and completely afk/irl retaliation to my opinions herein, and seeing them feeling sorry for and defending a toxic millionaire copyright infringer who is suffering

I’m in the UK and we’re working on the assumption that they are also very likely to be, or are least US-based and English speaking. I’m waiting to hear back on my freedom of information request specifically to get a hold of thisanonymous email”. The police had notes in their little books and they almost verbatim

It was a bizarre turn of events that’s for sure. Just as the New Year started as well, which shows they don’t ascribe to letting bygones be bygones. But I’ve been through a lot and it’s par for the course by now. Which isn’t something anyone should have to say.

Again, I’m drawn into defending myself to people that don’t deserve it. Who can barely string sentences together they are so frothing at the mouth.

Oh man, it’s so much harder than that in the UK. The suspect is protected more than you are. In one way, it’s very forward thinking and progressive. But in another, it’s massively open to abuse.

Which is all cuttingly ironic, considering that the games we play are extremely imaginative, complex and hard to grasp at times but also because we aren’t buying the hype like the simpletons they thought we were. I can’t tell if we should be more disappointed in them or proud of ourselves.

Any time I comment I get a gaggle of followers, the exact same users, that come to take a dump on me for even thinking of having an opinion.

I’m going to reply to you once and once alone, outside of any “proof”.

It sure as hell wasn’t what I expected when my mom came into my room at 11AM on a Sunday to tell me the police were here for me either!

The fact that I got swatted after posting a comment that was badly received on an article about a swat simulator, along with the fact that it was an anonymous email lead me to consider it. Then when I actually heard what they said in the report to the police, which used some of my comments from Kotaku chronicling the

Thank you. I heartily believe what we say here, stays here, as far as holding any grudge goes.

Thankfully, it sounds like the guy has a fucking dishrag for a brain.”

I know, I’ve only seen it in news stories and even then mostly in the US. I didn’t even draw that conclusion at first, we were working on the idea that it was some bad actor in the family or an ex.