Jamie Riehl

I don't know much. But I know a cello is not the same as a clarinet.

Polyesta with odorama.

I've heard so many characters in so many movies describe missions as "suicide" and then survive them, that it was nice to actually have the assessment be accurate.

Agreed. Also, the Star Wars franchise is well past it's allotment of last minute escapes from massive explosions.

She has a sexy french depression.

I love how fragile McClane's body is in Die Hard. When he gets hurt, it actually hurts. And it damages him, and the way he acts later reflects that. After his feet get cut, they are hurt for the rest of the movie and it shows. So often in action movies, the hero just shrugs off bullet wounds and knife cuts and

To me it's not a problem that it's over the top, it's that it's over-the-topness is often lost and fails to be in service of anything.

I can't stand to play any games that rely on one person's vague opinion for who wins. And yes, I know Apples and CAH are just fun and stuff. But there's something unacceptable to me about a person deciding to reward an answer just because bad, or something. And there's a far superior method - the one used in Dixit,

I'd argue in some ways, Dani is actually a stand in for Varys. He's the one that's been grooming her, supporting her, collecting her allies. In some ways, he's the one playing the game of thrones, and she is his piece - the queen, for sure, but a piece still.

That would be why she was making alterations to her clothes a few episodes back. A typical pregnancy doesn't show for 4 months, and she's wearing a velvet cloak. Would be easy for her to hide.

The "I'm part of you now" line is a reference to the fact Sansa is pregnant with Ramsey's kid.

Prediction - WunWun goes down heroicly to protect Sansa/Jon, with the battle turning against them, Littlefinger shows up the the knights of the vale to win the day.

Science? Science!

Agreed. Suggesting the graph is generated by the conclusion, not the other way around. But what accounts for the deviation in the individual data points?

But… that's the x axis…

What the heck is the y axis here? How did the video maker rate how male/female each character was?

I think it's working. GoT is better this season than the last few. What's the reason for this keep-it-secret-until-the-book thing other than that's the way it's always been done? The way I see it, George RR has just found a better medium to tell his story. Nothing wrong with that.

Indeed. It's not until Lady in the Water that people were scream "please, God, make it stop."

That does make sense. Still.

Does this mean no Kamala Khan :(