Jamie Riehl

The disconnect raised the tension for me. It was the way Bran was completely oblivious to the danger they were in, self absorbed in his warging and uncaring about everything around him, especially of course Hodor.

Well, Meera's pretty handy with a spear…

People don't commit hate crimes where they are out numbered by people of the group they're targeting. An Against Me! concert is probably the safest place to be trans on the State.

It's 12 games if you win every one. It could be at most 24.

Cool point, thanks.

Why is it these MCU characters don't know the names of the superheroes? It feels like the characters are owned by some other license, so they can't use their names - but that's obviously not it. Do they think it adds mystery, or something?

I watched Master of None. It was good, but not quite great.

Yeah, not knowing anything about the military, I didn't think Nixon's role needed explanation. He's some kind of liaison between the command and combat. I actually think that brief line about the map Winter's finds in Day of Days explains it well - Nixon's job was to take the map up the chain (per wiki, he ran 3 miles

I thought he sells the character really well. You have to believe that the very practical and sober Winters would feel so much affection for the alcoholic, irreverent Nixon. They are such different people, the fact that their deep friendship is so believable is a testament to the acting.

Meg Ryan is eating a pastrami on rye with brown mustard.

You can pay $300 to re-roll the dice.

Especially for a show that aired over 10 years ago about an event over 60 years ago….

She can reproduce because she's the original, surely?

Would watch.

If only they could have done it without that groan inducing play doctor shit.

REALLY wanted to see Tom and Hugh go veal cook-off.


Agreed. Combine this with the pressure on women from the (predominantly misogynistic) media and mainstream culture.