There’s a kernel of truth here.
There’s a kernel of truth here.
This is a Dad Joke we are talking about here. Of course it’s going in the will. It’s also going to be told to every date the daughter has, it’s going to be in the toast at her eventual wedding, and then told to her children every year at Thanksgiving. Dad joke, after all.
I don’t normally find “parent plays prank on their kid” stuff to be funny, but this was fucking hilarious.
In most cases, the idea of cultural appropriation need to be thrown out. ESPECIALLY in the arts. It’s a waste of mental energy to try to figure out which color of skin an idea belongs to. Especially after it has been passed through so many minds and people from so many different walks of life.
The only people who care…
My new favorite player.
I’ll grant the lady this much: by backing up at the end, she produced the first evidence I have ever seen of reverse racism.
M-V-P! M-V-P! M-V-P!
12th man hates 13th amendment.
Lance Lynn is a fantastic post game interview. Enjoy him, Twins fans.
Not to be a grumpy gus, but is nobody else bothered that this doctor is posting some girl’s medical information on fucking Twitter? Is that even legal? That would piss me right off, and I’m a 40-year-old man who doesn’t really give a shit. If I were 17, I think I would be really upset by this.
Yup, she’s clearing the way so her book can’t be injuncted.
1+ year campaign here on Roll20 running all the 70s/80s modules. In 40s now, so it’s a double whammy of best edition of D&D + nostalgia.
* was *. It’s still great :)
It’s still the best. 2E rules are better, but dont have the weird/pulp aesthetic. Other editions: meh.
Ah, a fellow 1st edition player.
Roll 3d6 down the line, consult the book on what requirements you meet.
Honestly, I have such issues with this. Clearly, the system doesn’t work well to protect women, especially when the perpetrators are rich and famous. However, even if they are guilty, does that mean they can never work again? (Whether any individual chooses to not watch their movies, read their books, etc., is totally…
I’m sure it would be fun when they first arrived, but once the initial excitement wears off and it becomes routine you either tune it out or come to hate it.
I’m in the grays and don’t think this will ever be seen, but if you go to one of the big name nationwide gyms, you most certainly are being made fun of. People in those gyms lack discipline. Please look for a local gym where you will find like-minded people who are there to improve themselves, not to be seen in the…
I only judge people at the gym who don’t re-rack their weights.