-Another veteran
-Another veteran
I think you got your io9 in my Deadspin...
I’ve said nearly the same about people I know who are bitching about this. They better call out the mother fuckers who can’t bother to take off their hat or put their hand over the heart at a game.
Dude, it’s Florida, F-L-O-R-I-D-A.
Clicked on this article solely for this reference!
Maybe. I don’t play a lot of competitive anymore but I have been seeing the combo in use more in the quick play. So while it’s been around since Day 1, I think it has been better socialized.
My guess was the clock room was one of them.
So lemmee get this straight...you can smack someone around just fine but you can’t play a song referencing it.
There was a lot of references to Close Encounters being called out but the Poltergeist references are much stronger, IMHO.
I had that one too!
Huffy’s. Only rich kids had a Mongoose. :)
Good. It’s not just me.
This. The stress of worrying about this is enough to kill any fun I was having with it.
Well said.
Always relevant.
We have a gym nearby that’s held by a Gyrados right now. Caught my first Magikarp last night and definitely had to tip my hat to them.
Man, that Clefairy Repent or Perish is one hell of a meme in and of itself.