Great! Now do Cuban Pete! was a real lack of effort there. Even middle school pitchers know to cover the plate on a passed ball with a runner in scoring position.
And now watch whatever poor sap that let him on post get railroaded...
I had a Guinness Shandy once. Was not bad.
God, I have a serious addiction to this and the Summer. Last winter, I stockpiled the Summer.
Competitive dropped on consoles on Thursday.
The first situation seems worse now. I’ve noticed the odd thing here and there but never the “How did I die? He just started shooting!” only to be shown that that wasn’t the case.
Noticed the disconnect issue a lot since comp came out. I think there may be something to that.
Support should have different healing or shields.
He works really well on Hollywood’s defense.
For the first time ever I did not have fun playing Overwatch. I worked through seven placement matches facing nearly the same make up (Pharah, Junkrat, Reinhardt, Mercy, 76) on at most three maps (Lijang, Nepal, Ilios).
I know the one. McCree can be effective out there but yeah, frustrates the hell out of me.
I find it hard to believe that someone that spends time here would knowing subject themselves to the scrutiny...or is that naive.
I’ve waxed the whole team with Winston, provided I’ve had decent support. Sometimes though, it’s just an endless meat grinder.
I also think there are times when you should. Nothing is more frustrating (I play Winston a lot) than to lose a point or be stymied moving the objective because your team is too afraid to engage the enemy at close range.
Doesn’t Pharah have an alt button for her hover on PS4? On the Xbox you can use one of two buttons to hover. Once I started using left trigger to hover things became incredibly easy.
Best feeling in the world. It’s almost as good as surviving one of his charges that should have killed you.