
Someone in Hollywood is acting like a typically shitty person in Hollywood. More at 11:00.

I can only hear him as Mr. Grey in Secretary, which is... weirder.

Actually Universe 25 was a mouse experiment. From the source article:

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.

Manara's not my favorite erotic comics artist, by any means — that's probably Molly Kiely. Manara's weird pouty mouths always freak me out a bit. But I do think his work has its place, and that's in explicitly erotic comics. Not so much in comics that are meant to be about heroism, for everyone, including girls. Even

I woman your woman. Let's woman and woman. Woman you around woman o'clock.

Not only does GOTG just embrace and roll with its weirdness, but when it does stop to look at parts of that weirdness, it does so in a way that's actually a break from the action and humour. Just think of Rocket's drunken rant - that was heartbreaking.

I wonder if part of what makes TMNT's soulless... ness, stand out so much comes from releasing the week immediately after GOTG. They stand as interesting parallels to each other, judging by the review. Like, where TMNT tries to force the humour and the 'look how CRAZY this premise is' aspect of the franchise, falling

I have this exact same problem. I have had horrible stomach issues since childhood, as did my sibling, and we were just told we were faking it. However, my mother has celiac disease. My sib and I both went vegan, which def. helped my tummy and sinus headaches a lot, but I still had problems with wheat and tomatoes. I

I don't know, my wife doesn't have Celiac disease as far as we know, but anything with gluten gives her stomach aches and bad gas. Same with dairy and tomatoes, there must be wheat sensitivities aside from celiacs disease, though obviously most people including myself can eat wheat without any noticeable effects.

Hi David,

Thank you for responding. My incredulity doesn't affect my willingness to engage you in debate.

I don't think that the plausibility of this scenario is being fully addressed above. There are so many connected issues to your proposal, each of which is a sine qua non for the proposal writ large.

To eliminate

So where does this stop? What about your white blood cells destroying invaders in your blood stream? Is this also a predator eating a prey?

I have to wonder, is it just because I'm a scientist that things like this make me depressed? How do we inform people who don't want to be informed? How do we educate people who see no value in scientific knowledge? How do we live with ourselves while watching those who believe that ignorance is a right make

So no. You don't.

A friend did a stint in the Peace Corps years ago, and was in a village in Africa where there were no vaccines. She sent pics and vids to us to show how horrible things were. I have several on my phone that I show to these ignorant, child-endangering anti-vacc wingnuts and ask 'em which they'd prefer- a healthy child

Yes, even people who have been immunized can get the disease and the fewer people get vaccinated, the greater chance of epidemics. Perhaps one of the greatest stumbling blocks for people is understanding the concept of herd immunity.

unfortunately vaccines are based on "herd" coverage. For them to be fully effective 90% immunization rate has to be achieved... The antiscience push from the celebridiots has skewed the percentage...thus endangering any baby in any hospital...

In a cultural vacuum, that makes sense. In the context of the way the world actually works, it's apples and oranges.

I'm not going to sit here and advocate that all animals exist simply for H. sapiens to act out all their sadist fantasies on, but I think these guys are overplaying their hand.

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. My learned colleagues, Dr McMenamin among them, continue to deny the implications of their discoveries. Even in the face of the incontrovertible evidence that they themselves have found, they still babble