
"Off the top of my head " makes that statement extra awesome. "Oh you know, Kaz minotaur."

did that, mostly.

I have celiac. And I really don't understand people's concern about "their legitimate medical need has been co-opted by hipster fuckbuckets". Do you have any idea how much more difficult it was to be gluten free before there was a larger market for it? I'd like every "hipster fuckbucket" in the universe to go gluten

this happens to me so frequently that i've given up trying to change it. just go with what's right for the story. if you try to change everything someone else happens to also be doing, you're never going to be able to get anything done - at least unless you live under a rock while you're writing it (and then we're

I was also disappointed by Dragon Age 2. I thought Origins was a truly amazing RPG, though there was still (of course) room for improvement. DA 2 crushed my hope under waves of pointless enemies. (OK, exaggeration.) But seriously, I hope this one returns to and improves upon the format of the first.

Seriously? This is what we're talking about?