

The end of Bojack Horseman was THIS year?!

How would Psycho Mantis work on the big screen?

The first time I spoke to Siri, she kept thinking I wanted her to play Beat It. I have no idea why. I basically gave up after that and have never integrated the technology into my life. Full disclosure, I’m old.

Now playing

I don’t think the complaint of the first book was that it was about Cline’s interests, but that he didn’t synthesize something new out of those interests and fell back on pure reference of them. It was like reading “Family Guy: The Novel”

Or, to put it better:

lol he doesn’t know about aaron. oh man, that’s great.

Everybody knows you get locked out after 3 attempts. Therefore, the most ultimate securest password on earth is Password4.

Stoned or not, in-character all the time or not, Wesley Snipes was the least of Blade III’s problems.

The building used to be a church... that’s the adult baptismal font converted into a shower.

What do you smell?

That’s how David Lynch arrived in this world.

In Soviet advertising, Bill pays you!

My connection to this film is that I once broke the light meter of its cinematographer, Alar Kivilo. And that’s no real connection at all!

Well, that was something.

I think great job, internet was made for topics like this. It just fits so well.

Lights out!
Guerrilla radio!
Turn that shit up!

If he gets to be too much of a pain in the neck, they may find they can do....better than Miller.

Did they check to see if Kodo and Podo had it?

Hah, yeah, that’s absolutely true. Was more just responding to that bit of the article because gaaaaah people not understanding what happens to bodies in space is one of those weird pet peeves of mine. The facts are just so much more fascinating than the standard “but wouldn’t she be frozen?” line.

Well this took a turn for the pleasant. Gold stars to you both for taking a breath, counting to ten looking at your responses to each other from the opposite perspective. What a refreshing way to resolve the argument. Now, lets get back to snark everyone.