
Fucking hell, Ad Astra, I’d completely blocked that from my memory, and now I’m getting mad all over again. Someone at work recommended it because “the science was so good”, and I haven’t spoken to him since (admittedly, the pandemic has made that easier).

I can’t recall where I saw this said about season 1, but it’s sound advice:
“Find yourself something you love as much as Ridley Scott loves milky fluids pouring out of robots”

It’s been over six months since he put out an album at this point, I think he must be on vacation.

It’s only 15 pages or so (though the font slows you down) so it’s not a tremendous effort to get through, but I certainly don’t think skipping it would ruin the book for you. I found it a puzzling aside at the time, but thinking about it now it’s starting to click a little better, and I’m thinking about how it

Over the last few years I’ve gotten into a one-chapter-before-bed mode for most of my reading, but I tore through this last weekend right after receiving it. I liked Darnielle’s previous books quite a lot, but this one really sucked me in from the start.

I still just get mad sometimes about Bobby Flay standing on the cutting board.

6 feet 6 furious

I like that, though my mental image was more Matt Damon in peak earnesty mode

Ha, I almost made the same comment about Filip!   I feel like if those two actors actually had a child it wouldn’t even look as much like a perfect combination of them as he does.

This is actually a pretty good break point - book-wise there’s a good conclusion to most of the plot, then a time jump of several decades before the rest resumes.  Maybe they’ll do it Twin Peaks style and come back with a new run in 2050 or so...

Yeah, I’m very curious to see what they do with the Laconia side of the story -given the short length of the season I was kind of expecting that they’d more or less ignore it and just have some sort of stinger at the end about the Martian fleet still being out there.

I’ve been catching up on the books since the last season (just started Leviathan Falls yesterday), and it’s amazing how well they nailed casting for literally every single role except for Holden. Nothing against Steven Strait, but Holden’s whole deal is basically radiating guileless sincerity, and that’s very much not

I find myself hoping that what we’re seeing is not Sarah getting worse, but her becoming increasingly comfortable with letting Joe see how she’s really feeling instead of wearing a happy mask, but I don’t know... 

For my money, church announcements has the edge as the best intro episode, with fall drive and fireworks in a dead heat for second place. If the person to whom you’re introducing the show had an ex-girlfriend who was eaten by a zodiac bear, that’s a good tie-breaker.

I read your comment in Joe’s voice, and it works perfectly!

I’ve always found Pixar’s trailers to really miss the mark in terms of tone. It probably wasn’t until Incredibiles that I started started to trust them enough to not expect the movies to be awful based on the trailers.

Based on the trailer, I think this is the Toy Story world’s equivalent of the 20teens live-action reboot of the 1990's Buzz Lightyear cartoon. Like, Andy is taking his 2 year old to see this for sure.

[Cousin Greg has joined the chat]

He’s as bad or worse than everyone else, he’s just midwestern

But Tom undoubtedly deserves better treatment,”
Does he, though?