
I was hoping the definition was going to be “Sweet and delicious!” followed by a big wink.

The bit of How to Write where Sarah takes ‘You’ outside for an impromptu mini-episode on edible and non-edible plants to give Joe some privacy was an amazing moment, both deeply genuine and highlighting the artifice of the show simultaneously.  And also where I stopped trying to pretend this show wasn’t making me cry.

The first season of this show was absolute magic, possibly my single favorite piece of entertainment ever. It was so special to me that I deliberately held off on watching the second season, saving it for some time in my life when I thought I really needed it. With the news today of the third season coming along I

Exactly - someone at Netflix demanded a new show from Vince Gilligan, then went with his non-union Mexican equivalent. They did clearly throw a lot of money and some very good actors at the production, but I’ve never gotten any sense that the story knows where it’s going.

I guess I had just assumed that the thing keeping it out of the running for the Emmys was that it’s not all that good? I mean, it’s fine, and I’ll watch the new seasons at some point, but all in all, Julia Garner being the only part of the show that gets award consideration sounds about right.

From the headline, I’m picturing “Alex Trebek’s Philosophy” itself hosting, maybe as some kind of dissolute glowing cloud.

Second time for me, as it was somehow an answer in yesterday’s NYT crossword - even their blog was like “Huh?  Never heard of it!”

When we’re introduced to the main character in 2021 she’s pulling up to her house full of 1970's appliances and decor in what seems to be a 1978 Toyota Corolla wood-panel station wagon WHICH IS THEN NEVER SEEN NOR MENTIONED AGAIN. I kept hoping for a reveal like in the I Think You Should Leave driver’s ed/monsters/tabl

I think that bit about her acting style having not changed since E.T. is pretty spot on, but when things line up right (like here, and in Santa Clarita Diet) her enthusiasm is just so damn contagious that you can’t help but get sucked in.

C’mon now, they feel terrible about the way they continued to beat that dead horse, and to make it up to you they’re going to dig up that carcass for one last go ‘round the track!

I think it will go a little something like this:
Dexter commits murder
Dexter (VO): “I’ve done it again, murdered this person”
Ghost dad: “Dexter! You just murdered that person!”
Ghost John Lithgow: “Uh oh, Dexter, looks like you’re back at it again with the murdering!”
Ghost Deb: “Well that’s just fucking great, Dex, you

Take that, writer/director Lisa Joy!

(Sincere apologies to everyone for this)

Like the man says: You can’t punish a person for dreaming his dream and expect him to thank or forgive you / That kid you belittled and tried to ashame might just grow up to be Tarantino / Hail Quentin!

It’s early, but The Mummy-ish hank” is a lock for typo of the day in my book!

A littlefinger too ironic

Hm. I gotta go down the way and holla at my jawn about that rule.

Denzel/Cumberbatch is maybe the one pairing that would get me on board with this