
very funny you claim he’s voiced ‘primarily’ by black actors, then post a picture with five white actors and four black ones.

Really liked the premier episode, but disappointed there was no Mail Robot. 

My three year old at the time summed this movie up the best after we saw it. He said “Daddy,  he was not a good dinosaur”

Bro I don’t think that’s what Orwell meant when he wrote that.

So why is Michael Bay a free man?

This movie? Not for me. But Pete Davidson as an incompetent slacker stoner Spiderman with Bill Burr as a villain dating his Aunt May? Meh.

Babe and Gordy

I’m glad this is happening. I was so disappointed that the theatrical cut was just mediocre instead of fucking terrible.

Hey! Wha hoppen? 😢

Now playing

Gonna need some more Cave of Two Lovers in here

Now playing

Paget Brewster can do no wrong. She needs to be in every show and speak only in a Trans-Atlantic Accent:

The “unknown protein” is presumably the tracker in WIlliam’s blood that Charlotte mentions later when his face pops up on her screen.

Has the A. V. Club drifted so far away from its Mr. Show-loving roots that it fails to even point out a Jay Johnston cameo? Are the commenters so lost that it falls to a schnook like me, stuck in the grays of Kinja, to point it out? Good Lord, what have we become?


The big moment is actually pretty bittersweet. It’s them performing “New York City” in a record store in Manhattan on the night of 9/10.

I haven’t seen Gigantic. But Mink Car is core to my “Where were you?” answer. We didn’t know if the world was ending, there might be war in our streets by tomorrow, but it wasn’t going to stop me from going to buy my copy. Even now, while I love those songs, I get this icky feeling, like I should be feeling good but

This thing restaurants do where they convince people to cook their own food and pay handsomely for it is pretty clever.

So I’ve got that going for me.
