
Bleh. The only thing that would move a meeting along would be participants who don't love the sound of their own voices.

FYI, Acompli routes all inbound and outbound email through their servers. They claim that they won't sell your info, but it's a little disconcerting that they have a copy of your gmail and exchange passwords and a copy of all of your email.

Agree. I'm still a little upset that dude's not wearing shoelaces.

Does this differ from Disconnect?

I guess I can just sort things better in my mind. order from chaos.

F.lux is reason alone to jailbreak your phone.

Hrm.... Still doesn't fix the many shortcomings Cal has. But, you can snap pictures, and record audio and video on the fly.

I thought this article was going to have answers... :((((

Do 20k/year and we'll talk.

You put that so much better than I've ever managed to. I want stuff like this to work for me, but it really does seem that someone else needs to be in charge of the carrot.

A rather eloquent description of the real issue, and not one I'd have ever really considered!

Saw this yesterday (courtesy of FastCoDesign) and while I like the general app design principles of the app, I don't recommend you buy it. It doesn't actually improve upon the need for calendaring or scheduling enough to warrant a $2 purchase. Everything from the video is good enough if you just want to see what

VOTE: Parallels Access

Lifehacker, it's time to do a new Hive Five on To-Do list makers, that one is almost 6 years old! It's from before Android and Ios were really a thing, now you have a whole new bunch like AnyDo, Clear, Google Keep...

Debit cards have zero advantage over credit cards. If your card is stolen and money is stolen, you may not get it back, with a debit card. For that alone, I stay away from using them for purchases. Then there's cash back rewards. Then there's other perks. Just make sure you pay them off in full every month.

"First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?"

If it worked for Hannibal ...

Great points. You say editing, I say refactoring (in my case).