
How soon we forget!

A loud seconded! Beautiful artwork and a gripping story. I even bought the coloring book.

I’m still bitter he didn’t put on the suit in the Smallville finale. Eff him, I don’t want him in the suit now!

Wow, talk about blinders. DragonCon often has the same star power at the con that SDCC has and once a star has been lured to con, they come back year after year for the sheer fun. And no one has to camp overnight to see them; just a few hours. :) And Atlanta is an awesome city and a hella lot cheaper than San Diego

I’ve always thought of Episcopalians as Catholic-lite. Almost identical services, less guilt.

OMG, I would pay money to see this!

“The Princess Bride” by William Goldman. Bought it when I was 13 and it traveled across the Pacific twice with my copy of “The Great Gatsby.”

Boris Karloff, if I’m not mistaken!

Was anyone else kinda hoping for Walton Goggins?

Your list coincides with mine exactly! I would subscribe to your newletter!

Because she still has parts that are matched sets!

I really love that idea. :)

I'm another "Black Company" fan! When Hollywood scrounges around looking for properties to adapt a la "Game of Thrones," I always hope someone will suggest this series.

There are actually 3 Librarian movies and the last one features a pre-"Castle" Stana Katic. Cheesy fun. Flynn's character is more understandable when you've seen him go through his awkward phase learning to be the Librarian.

Also checking in from Hurricane World. When the power was out for 2 weeks and the gas lines were 4 hours long, I was happy for my land line!!! :)

I like Tennant's other speech from the the "Christmas Invasion" episode, short and sweet:

Was it...sparkly... or did it have holes? His jumper, I mean? I kept trying to figure it out during the episode. I haven't gone back and re-watched, but there was definitely a pattern?

I was there, in the third row, and it was absolutely wonderful. Everyone was sooooo nice and I got the cast to sign my Eisenhower jacket!

For real!

He got replicas from an American Revolutionary reenactment.