
I think as a community we should just agree, first one to hit a slideshow copies the list from the slideshow and drops it into the comments saving everyone the clicks and removing the incentive to post slideshows in the first place.

She just doesn’t want to work in fear, which is a Basic Instinct. She may not have Total Recall of the days before vaccines, and some people may say this type of advocacy is outside her Sphere, but she’s educated enough to know that when it comes to getting vaccinated, there are two groups of people: The Quick and the

This country elected an overt bigot.  That any individual cares for others is by no means a safe bet

I’ve had to laugh - seriously laugh - at some of my fellow white people’s responses to Boyega’s speech in the past 24 hours. Look, kids, we know he’s English. We know. He’s one of the finest actors to come out of the United Kingdom in the past 30 years and I dearly hope he’ll be showcasing what he can do for many

Nothing about the character of Superman requires him to be white... literally nothing about him even IS white. He’s a fucking alien, and if he showed up looking hispanic, black, asian or any other ethnicity it wouldn’t impact the story in the least.

It’s why modern libertarians are almost exclusively white men. Because the only real way to have complete freedom is to be a white dude who doesn’t have to worry about their bodily autonomy or getting shot for wearing a hoodie.

That guy was never on our side. 

As a Chinese person, let me tell you that 95% of the slurs I’ve heard throughout my life time have been the laziest, corniest “jokes” that were stale when your grandpa used them. The most insulting thing to me is that somehow my people aren’t worthy of coming up with new and original racism.

I’ve been listening to the soundtrack over, under, and sidesways for a few days now, and it feels like every song has left some meaningful impression on me. It’s strange, though, that of all the songs with their individual emotional cues, the one that really got me was Steven and Amethyst’s duet with “No Matter What.”

Consequences. At some level it has to come down to establishing consequences for misbehavior. If people don’t face consequences for their words and actions, some of them will feel empowered to be utterly horrible shits to other people.

I’m an old cis fellow who watches Steven Universe with my kids. This show speaks to me on a bit of a different level - I was once a member of a very controlling, cult-like religion whose rigidity and conformity was intensely suffocating. When I left, I lost nearly my entire life, if that makes any sense, and I will be

I was going to ask if he might end up in the Black Face instead of the Good Place.

Listened to the whole interview, which was good but very much focused on how kids need the representations of kidness and acceptance and to see non binary and diverse characters and compassionate ideals of masculinity.

I’m working my way through Season 3 of the show now, and while I don’t like the 10-minute episode length (I don’t feel like it gives enough time for the stories to breath or build much tension), there are undoubtedly some amazing moments in the show. Whenever someone like Garnet say, “Steven, wait, there’s something

I hate that I am nitpicking on small grammatical errors when this is a terrifying and devastating reality, but I get the same way and I am glad to see other people recognize that.

Love those, but I will always love Once More With Feeling the most.

I’m not going after Pence; I’m going after you for disgracing the craft of trolling. I don’t know how it was on Disqus, but this is Kinja, bitch. Step your game up or delete your account.

DM Liv on I, Zombie was wonderful, and yet The Librarians not only put John Laroquette in a D&D campaign, they turned it into a full LARP. So, points for that.

I beg to differ on the D&D, there is a little something called “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons” from Community

American Beauty is that rare film that I admire on a technical level but absolutely loathe on a thematic level.  It's beautifully shot, well written and wonderfully acted - but it's also a showcase for a repulsive, half-baked nihilism masquerading as enlightenment on the one hand and an empty-headed, facile