
Seeing it in IMAX, I really felt like, wow, if these things walked the earth, where would we go? What place would be safe?

That version of James was perfect! Can we have a James and Luther spin-off, please?

This is one of my biggest gripes about "Heroes," we never got badass Hiro, only comic relief Hiro.

Heh, I'm gonna be THAT fan. Yes, they have mentioned skiing - during the Inspector Spacetime episode, Jeff was gonna ditch the con to go skiing...

There's a new comic coming out , The Pan-Universal Parental Reconciliation!" - I was at the table read for the Kickstarter contributers in May - and it is absolutely wonderful! Javi is going to post the video this month.

Oh, come on, I can't be the only one on this SCI-FI site who immediately thought of John Varley's Gaea books?!!!!

Every year it's The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and The Black Company by Glen Cook (Hey, HBO, this would a great follow-up to GoT!):

I want a series of "Day of the Doctor" - 8.5, 10 and 11, snarking and congratulating each other through adventures in time and space!

I'm curious, whereabouts in the Panhandle are you from? I'm from Pensacola, can't get more westerly in Florida than that (i.e., 10 miles from the AL border), and I got a great education at my high school. Of course, our class size was 457, so I guess you must be farther north?

The ride broke down when I was on it last. For 20 minutes we were stuck roughly 3/4 of the way through... The staff had some mercy and killed the vocal track 10 minutes into the shutdown, but the music kept playing and playing and playing and playing. It was an insight into one of the circles of hell...

Webcomics Animated doesn't actually link to anything...?

<— Also Asian person agrees with you. I'm one of those Asians who "doesn't look Asian," who, somehow, simply IS Asian.

I am comforted to know I am not alone in my secret, shameful glee! :)

I just think of it as holding up my end of the etiquette bar. :) Manners, after all, ya'll!

In the new 52 (and now cancelled) Suicide Squad comics, Harley is a member, so it was just a nod to current comic book continuity.

I heartily agree with your #5. I may not put in the 14 hours of tennis a week I used to, but I could never just play happily with rental racquets. The leather of a handle molds to your hand, it's like an extension of your arm.

Oh, thank you for calling attention to "Locke and Key," which finished it fabulous run on Wednesday!

Paint Tool Sai

Mind. Blown. I love this concept. I want to marry it and have its babies. It has symmetry and solves the big problems, the chaos in the wake of the evident abandonment by God. Then it can be turned out that the Winchester journey has been guided prep by God.

Thank you for mentioning "Swan Song." One of my favorite re-reads, along with Clive Barker's "Imajica." Both have imagery (though with wildly different writing styles) that have stayed with me.