
BUT you, sir, you ARE throwing the babies out with the bathwater. Those children that so-called welfare cheat is having with all those many, many men? What did they do? So they should just starve, 'cause that'll teach that cheating slut? Suffer for the sins of the mother?

Okay...I gotta ask, is this a real quote and if so where can I find it? :)

Nicole Kidman says she can wear her heels around Hugh Jackman, unlike Tom Cruise, so I don't know where you get that he's under 6 feet! Nicole is 5'11".

This discussion would be perfect for dragging out the witchy powers ala the dinner table scene in the show...

Am I missing the joke (which is very possible), or do you mean Madison when you say Matilda? (Asked sincerely, btw.)


I would watch this! :)

I would watch this! :)

Try googling Bruce Schneier before you dismiss him out of hand. He knows of what he speaks, fercryinoutloud!

Oh, count me in the bunny club. I have two lovely girls (a black lionhead and a great big harlequin rex) and a hyper-friendly rescue boy. They each have such great and distinctive personalities! My first departed bunny was a outgoing character who greeted people at the door, answered to his name, went back to his

I have three rabbits, and my newest one, George, I found abandoned and living in the field behind my office. At first he seemed fine; I would check on him daily and he was so tame, he'd come close if you called, "BUNNY! BUNNY!" and dance just out of your reach if you tried to touch him. Two months later, he wasn't

My favorite DragonCon memory from years of going is when the Hilton was also hosting a large family reunion at the same time as the con. Proper little old ladies in lovely church hats gaping at fairies with glitter wings and body paint costumes....

I was really grateful for the weather at DragonCon this year. This was my first year of going in costume and one costume had a wool uniform coat, but it was quite bearable.

Absolutely, you should go and dress up! My buddy and I went as The Middleman and Dubbie from "The Middleman" (one brilliant season, 12 episodes - then gone) and were recognized. And as Kelly and Curtis from the BBC "Misfits" and were recognized. At DragonCon, SOMEONE will know who you are and appreciate it. :)

Honestly, you would pick Sherlock over Elementary in terms of character development? We see a competent but lost Watson and an in-denial Holmes at the beginning of Elementary and watch them come to appreciate and trust each other into a partnership of equals!

LOL - talk about first world problems.

She is far from the first female Watson. The great Joanne Woodward was Dr. Mildred Watson to George C. Scott's Holmes in "They Might Be Giants."

Oh, "The Middleman" deserves so much more!

I do miss vanilla WoW. I really hate LFG - you can't filter out the asshats and griefers. In the old days, you got to know the people on your realm who were good for a PUG, who was a good healer, which tank could hold aggro.

Ahhh, I hadn't thought of that before but the idea of Damian as the Doctor makes me feel all tingly!