
I go every year. Expect crowds and sore feet and friendly Southerners. Don't sweat trying to get to every panel, pick out your highlights, and enjoy the atmosphere and the moments. :) It's a biiiig party.

I was about to post the same thing! Pay to win? Only if that commodity is my precious, precious time!

The difference is that the person of color in America does not have a current undercurrent of fear of imminent enslavement, while rape has been and remains a current problem for women.

Here's the thing. You're a guy. I think if you surveyed a bunch of women, you'd be shocked at just how many have been sexually assaulted in some way. It doesn't impinge your consciousness the way it does ours. A woman gets out of her car at night and the first thought is to scan the environment for possible

The most frustrating part is that most guys don't even understand the misogyny behind what they are saying, particularly in the context of gaming.

Ah, you shame the rest of us #cumberbitches. There is room for both Jonny Lee Miller's interpretation. I love "Elementary" as much as "Sherlock" and Joan Watson is an AMAZING character.

I hardly have any lashes at all and the barest suggestion of eyebrows. My eyebrows are so sparse that any attempt at enhancing them makes me look like "Uncle Leo" on "Seinfeld" (drawn in with a Sharpie).

Oh, you tease! Post a link then? :) With a NSFW tag? :) Pretty please?

Hey, Elijah. FTFY—

I have to ask, which Swatch are you talking about? I am fond of Swatches!

He often tweets in character! He was tweeting as Javert while Les Mis was filming!

I used to design computer-based training for GM STC (Service Technical College). I may have had a hand in the #10 and #5 GIFs... Odd to see them turn up here!

Thank you! I rarely bother with make-up except on those infrequent occasions when I want to feel glam. I'm happy with my face for the most part.

OMG, I would soooooooooooo watch the hell out of that!

Do you have a companion to carry the sonic tennis racquet? :)

Thank you for making my 4 years of Latin finally pay off :)

There is some amazing Buffy fanfic out there.

Recommendations? Links?

I love this site, love the posts, but this incessant clicking is tough on us RSI-prone folks. (That's it! Yes, use the disability argument, get us the "VIEW ALL" button back, please O please O please.)

And if this horrific system allowed you to expand threads, you would know someone beat you to the welcoming!