
Actually, that's kind of adorable. It's different when it's an entitled ass with their nose up in the air.

Bless you Mark! You are truly doing God's work!

To get high off it? It's not worth it...but if you're trying to get off pain killers, this will help you. Just be very careful and google how to do it correctly. You'll also need to take a lot of magnesium 24 hours later so you can shit again. You do not want to get backed up!

Man, no human could ever pull off the bored-to-death-cause-i'm-so-much-cooler-than-you look like a cat.

That is why porn exists. The reality of that is beyond wrong.

As far as I know, Lomotil is not available over the counter. Loperamide (Imodium) is the one I was talking about; google it. It's an interesting product and it needs to be studied further because for many people, it works as an anti-withdrawal drug but I believe it also has addictive properties, so people need to be

Maru is perfection. I obsess on his youtube page like he was Jesus Christ and I was...er, anyone from Mississippi. Mark, I think I'm falling in love with you. You love Maru, you hate poop and anal sex, in that order, and I'm sure you're a big ol' lefty socialist because Jezebel. We clearly were made for each other.

I'm not a fan of that act. Except in porn. Many of us homos only do that on special occasions. Like when your man won't stop whining about how long it's been since you let him wreck your dainty little love chute. I can honestly live without the whole thing, although tongue-anal is fantastic...to receive. But only

Careful. Loperamide, which is what's in Imodium, is a form of Percocet. Taking enough of it may get you high, which is a good thing :) And people addicted to pain killers actually take it when getting off the pills too; it kills the withdrawal symptoms. But after taking it for a long time, if you suddenly stop, your

Don't you worry honey; we gays will take him. And take him. And take him...

He was; me! And I thought I was just dreaming.

Me too! I so want that to murder my vagina even tho I don't technically have one. But only technically...

How about his cute little butt in Cruel Intentions? It came out the same year as Fight Club and between those two movies, there was no way I was gonna turn out straight. Damn Hollywood Illuminati, pushing the seductive male ass on innocent children!

Ha! If he loses this time, we won't ever hear from him, I hope.

So many Massachusetts types have moved/are moving into New Hampshire that it's no longer really GOP territory. In Presidential election years, NH is most definitely a blue State now. Mid-terms are more competitive but the State is still trending against the GOP. We'll know for sure in a couple of weeks if Sheehan can

Love your honesty. To give your mom the benefit of the doubt, even though she's a Republican, she might have been a secret Hillary supporter, wanting to see the first female President in her life time, and maybe she resents Obama for "taking" the nomination from her. A lot of the ladies in my family (the black half)

You know that gif we all love with Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida so it can float away (and hopefully sink)? We need to make one where Bugs saws off New England so we can float away from the rest of the country. Finally, a Socialist paradise island! I would have liked to somehow take New York with us but now that they

What State are you from?

You should check the Florida Division of Elections website.

Oklahoma doesn't seem so bad since last week when it became Oklahomo. You guys can stay and we'll kick Missouri out instead. They're almost as awful as you anyway ;)