
Refugees will eventually be a problem. The GOP will turn the South into a religious-corporate State, something right out of The Handmaid's Tale and the poor rednecks who thought they were going to live in paradise, will instead have their welfare, medicare and medicaid completely eliminated. They'll be lining up by

We really should throw Utah and Oklahoma overboard too. Tho it might be a lot of fun to keep both States so we could watch them go nuts about all the gays getting married in their sacred little States! Yeah, we should definitely keep them both. And we should force Oklahoma to change it's name to Oklahomo immediately!

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I live in the People's Republic of Cambridge, MA. and there's a church on every corner here; I'm not exaggerating. Much. Lots of people in our country go to church (out of habit, because it gives them comfort or for social reasons) but they don't take the bible literally.

Gerrymandering only works up to a point. When a given population of voters hits critical mass, all bets are off. Look at the 1994 congressional election which swept the Democrats from power. Up until '94, the Democrats controlled both Houses of the U.S. congress for 60 (!) years, with one interruption from the years

Atlanta is the black gay capital of the world so it's not that socially conservative. Not anymore.

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It's a real movie. Fake Ken Burns-type documentary, actually. It has these fake commercial interruptions that are just wrong but somewhat funny. Print advertising back then was similar tho so they're not far from the truth.

I keep forgetting! Thanks for reminding me. Anyway, since I'm biracial, I could be a house negro in the Confederate States, so I don't know what I'm worried about.

I know whites are already a minority down there; the Dems need to figure out a way to get the Hispanic and Black vote to turn out and stop being so apathetic. If they did, they could take over the State right now.

The powers-that-be down South won't allow it because they know that their region has the poorest States in the country, the lowest per capita income, the highest drop out rates, etc. The Northern States support the South; they consume more in federal programs, far more, than they pay in taxes. And yet they despise Big

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Do it right-wing bitches. Many of us on the left will do anything and everything we can to help you fuckers secede swiftly and painlessly. And you're taking Texas with you, whether you like it or not.

Perhaps our friends in Europe can tell us if this kind of thing is becoming more of a problem over there and if it is in any way tied in to both the rise of the far-right parties and the increase in second generation Muslim radicalism. Or am I just being paranoid? I fear what the election of the next Republican bigot

A few months ago he himself was suggesting that Hillary is not inevitable and he may throw his hat in the ring. I hope he's still considering it. It'll be tough for him to overcome the "it's her time" bullshit.

I so would prefer V.P. Biden to that right-wing bore Hillary in '16. Oh, to dream!

What's this "pending approval" business people? You just won't stop until every one of us loyal Gawker-types who've been with you forever have fled, won't you?

This guy...what a show-off! We get it, you like saving lives, you're a hero! Gahhhh!

All I hear is your usual bitter "blah, blah, nobody loves me 'cause I'm a hateful tool, blah". Get yourself a couple of cats; at least then somebody will love you.

Oh no...I won't be running along. I'm staying. It's a good site despite a harridan called Ellen Jane puking her nonsensical "thoughts" on people. The fact that most everyone hates your disgusting guts is proof of why I like Jezebel. Now, go die loser.

You haven't said one rational or intelligent thing. Not one. You're a bitter, lonely, angry little troll who will die alone. Deservedly.

Dear God you're mean. And really, really stupid. That is a terrible combination.