
Uh, no dear. You're confused. Evangelical Christians are pretty much all assholes but we have a constitution in this country; no matter how much the in-bred dominionist fuckers would like to throw my gay ass in jail, they simply cannot. Because this is a secular democracy. Witness the courts (even conservative judges

But can I make that $9500 farting on someone? Otherwise, what's the point?

Because it's fucking gross, says this gay dude.

Thanks. Interesting site.

I'm a gay dude who is this close to becoming an anti-porn feminist. I have never believed in anything but personal freedom before but this clearly has side-effects and causes severe trauma to an individual. It's assault, period. I'm not even getting into the whole exploitation mess; if someone wants to exploit their

I'm a gay man who has many girlfriends (as in girls who are friends) and still I had no idea the amount of scary loons that were out there that women had to face. I've dealt with a fair amount of creeps on sites like Grindr but I've never felt physically threatened by any of the ones I've met, even the odd ones but

I guess it really is what you're used to. But if you look at how you move when you're running, you're leaning slightly forward, so it makes sense to land forefoot first, based on your body's position while jogging. But hey, whatever works. I've been jogging so long that it's all about not getting injured for me now;

Thanks for the article.

I don't understand the heel strikers; that's a great way to injure yourself, which I did after listening to some bad advice once (or being sabotaged, I still haven't figured it out.) But years of landing on my forefoot first hasn't yet resulted in an injury *knock on wood* and it also feels natural in a way landing

Good luck and remember to speak loudly and carry a big stick.

Then we can't in good conscience invade this lovely country...

Before we invade though, we need to ask the most important question...how much oil do they have?

That was kinda hot actually, until 1:29, when it turned into the Bryan Singer story.

That's not a gif, that's a waking nightmare.

I would so hit his chunky ass! I usually despise media whores but he's got real talent to back up all the inane shit he does plus I've had a crush on him since that James Dean movie he did back when I was wee one; he and Brad Pitt in Fight Club made me the bent man I am today!

Kitty bride seems miserable. She knows GOD doesn't approve.

I agree with you except he lost me again by backing away from the joke. He should have stuck to his guns; it's a friggin' joke! That's what he's there to do, be funny and like you said, he finally was, for the first time in his life! But he seemed terrified of a third-rate driver and her crybaby boyfriend and backed

Well, the truth does hurt. Too bad Mohr backed away from the joke immediately though. Coward. Danica sucks but her boyfriend used to be hot. Until now; he just went from a "9" to a "6" because of his sad-sack reaction.