
The thought process that has to go through their mind to not only make the least logical conclusion but then act upon it is frightening.

Movie studios charge anything and everything against their movies and tv shows - and I mean everything! Assistant salaries, cost of breakfast, lunch and dinner, child's private school tuition, cost of drugs and hookers, etc. You do something to piss them off as a filmmaker or actor, they can make sure that you don't

Looking for Don Lemon's cell? You dirty dog!

He looks a lot better this way. Thank you.

And the Dave Hogans too...

I hope just once you got to smear his french toast on your balls and ass before serving it to him. Just once!

*Sigh* Billionaire thug or police union thugs; talk about a Sophie's Choice.

Police unions really are the closest thing to a Gestapo we have in modern America. They make no bones about what they stand for and there is no behavior on the part of their cops that they won't defend. Watch the Rams cave in and force their players to apologize and punish those who won't. As infuriating as it will be

Why would I bleach my asshole? I'm so confused.

Why, you're not a soulless monster at all!

You win whatever this is.

Didn't she technically commit a hate crime right there? That was like saying "this is what I think of your religion, Goldberg!"

Oh God, I love this one too! I'm laughing out loud and I never do that from a Gawker story. (Usually, I just punch the screen.) Boston restaurants are filled with bitchy, huffy waiters like that guy but they are not funny.

Like me and Brad and the Fight Club posters...first hint to my mom that her boy was really girly.

What happened to you that night was horrible and I feel for you. Still, if I were your wife, I'd have to divorce you 'cause I could never look at you ever again. I'd have to burn my now shit-encrusted house down as well.

Just a reminder about Schilling: he's not just a right-wing moron, he's also a flaming hypocrite. He's one of those "pulled myself up by my bootstraps" Republican shitholes, however, he took $ from the State of Rhode Island in order to keep his video game business afloat (my great State of Mass. told him to go fuck

Your hometown was somewhere down South, I'm guessing?