Eh, I’ve seen enough content of people immediately putting wheel/tire packages on the CT to say otherwise. I bet before long plenty of factory fresh CTs will fall victim to same choices endorsed by the bro-truck crowd.
I mean, a corporate behemoth strong-armed a couple of small companies to get this to happen.
“I find it philosophically detestable in its rigid view of its world and unwillingness to interrogate the oppressive systems it has in place for longer than one movie (the world didn’t deserve The Last Jedi).”
OK, we’re missing one here. The Snapper!
is Joe Biden racist for all the racist stuff he’s said over the years, or is that (D)ifferent?
I grew up in upstate NY, and I was shocked to find out that most places Air for tires wasn’t free.
“maintaining their traditions”
‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn’t it? You wake up in the morning, you’ve got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you’ve got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think “Sunday, bloody Sunday!”.
The WTF moment was not when Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Smith. The WTF moment was when Will Smith got up from his seat, walked onto stage, and slapped Chris Rock in front of the world. Please don’t make the story about the dumb joke. The dumb joke did not make Will Smith get up there and smack Chris Rock. Will…
The Abrams movies just make me appreciate ST:TMP all the more. I used to think it was mostly a boring slog but I’ve always favored the character driven force behind Star Trek as a whole than any amount of phaser fire or big, epic space battles where only so much flashing shit is thrown in your face at once.
NFT’s are a money laundering scam, go fuck yourself with this NFT bullshit.
Aaron Rogers stupidly lies about his vaccination status. The Root roasts him and the readers fall all over themselves to comment. 67 currently and growing.
Riiiiiiiggghhhhttt. Nothing screams, “Stand up for poor people” like going to a star-studded gala in your one-of-a-kind luxury gown that you will only ever wear once.
I think the real miracle, here, is that Mysticat didn’t say “h’wuuuut’s up guise???” or greet us in any way at the start of the video (which is not a livestream).
Aw that genuinely makes me sad. This dude is the only person I have ever thought sufficiently apologized for homophobic lyrics and stuff.
I get it, it’s tangentially related to things this site would cover because it’s Pokemon related, but do we really have to keep giving this dude mindshare, not just here, but like, in general? The only reason this guy gets to keep doing the dumb shit he gets to do, while getting even richer, is because everyone keeps…