Fuck yeah! Young Ones!
Fuck yeah! Young Ones!
I'll just leave this here.
I used a little bit of plastic wrap in the joints at the hips. It works pretty well.
Yup, did video game fx work for about four years before I got fired due to some rather bs reasons. If you ever played Champions Online you saw a *lot* of my work.
Ook! ook ook ook. Ook ook. Oooooook!
You'll never lose the keys to that!
I was thinking it was just an old Mustang that received one of those $39999.95 Goldie Wilson hoverconversions.
How do you know that was a new mustang in 2015? It could have just been a 30 year old fox body with a hover conversion.
I'm so in. I just hope Jennifer Hale reprises her role as "female avatar voice #2", because she was brilliant in SR3.
"There will be no Australian voices, one of the game's creators told me."
Okay... did anyone ask the creators why?
so I waited for the old guy to talk and first thing he says is about God, I lol'd and just stopped not even worth watching anymore
Here’s the trailer for Below, the upcoming Xbox One game by Capybara Games, creators of Superbrothers: Sword &…
That top Gif encourages me to listen to the Italian Job theme again. Enjoy.
I would have added to the Enceladus entry that it is also the most reflective body in the solar system, with an albedo of .99 (out of a possible 1.00). To compare, our bright, shining moon has an albedo of .12 and Venus is .75.