James Ryan

I know it wasn’t a great work...

...okay, yeah, it really sucked...

...but his tole as Colonel Andrei Denisov in Amerika deserves a little passing notice, as he was the only actor in the production who got good notices for his performance at that time.

I know we’d rather forget that one (and I’m sure Neill would like

We’re finally getting an adaptation of this, then...?

There was a lot of deep diving here, including callbacks to really old episodes. “The Panopticon,” the Mater states, “where we assassinated a president together...” referencing The Deadly Assassin, for one.

Which makes me wonder: Was the prison the Judoon brought the Doctor to... Shada? It kinda looks like it from some

I could see a mummy as essentially the center of a web of intrigue, with plans in action extending back thousands of years. It’s less the mummy itself in “person” than the plans and implements of same to worry about. Think an immortal Ernst Blofeld with a few tricks up his/her sleeve...

I remember that; wanted to catch it and see how they updated it (and to catch Freema Agyeman in it), but wasn’t able to.

I read it was two seasons, as you said, and I think they assumed they’d get at least a third, which is why as you noted it ended on cliffhanger.

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Funnily enough, a few years later, Terry Nation would do something along these lines, imagining a deadly plague that did not have the Doctor there to save us...

Mid-season replacement that lasted two months over eight episodes on NBC. Not sure if that qualifies as ‘neat’ or not...

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How about a version of this set in the Alien universe...?

We could make it really ambiguous, prompt some discussions over the film like the ones that still get started over 2001...

Let’s split the difference: Cat-dentist...

The cameo was kept super secret, with Barrowman sharing that he was given a codename that was an anagram of “Rose Tyler” while working on set so no leaks would get out.

Lemme guess: Phase Two is, he replaces the jungle camo the Space Force has currently been assigned, and goes with this for the new uniforms...

So, all these First Order cells at the end of RoS with nothing left of the Senate...

...oh Gods, does that mean we have to deal with a Star Wars version of this on the horizon...?

Damn, you too? Geeze...

My biggest complaint? They still have no concept of how New York physically exists.

They’ve been doing it since “The Chase” when in order to establish that the TARDIS was atop the Empire State Building, they did a tracking shot up to the roof... of 30 Rockefeller Center. And it just gets worse from there; we don’t have

Daniel Radcliffe: First he gets a set of horns grafted on in HORNS, and now a set of guns in GUNS AKIMBO...

So what’s the over/under now on him starring in a remake of TETSUO: THE IRON MAN...?

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It’s unfortunate that his legacy is defined not by his animal rights and anti-war views—as well as how he used his work to inspire kids to avoid the pitfalls of nationalism—but rather by giant dragons, ridiculous CGI animals voiced by comedians, and a musical with real-life examples of animal cruelty.

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Before you realize the insane commitment it takes to be a professional wrestler, what kid doesn’t want to chase that dream? Well, in The Main Event, an 11-year-old boy finds a mask that instantly lets him compete in the WWE. (On Netflix Date TBD)

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Not necessarily wanting to give them an out, consider this:

It’s fairly warm when the Doctor and the Master have their conversation on the Eifel Tower, which as it’s 1943 and likely towards the end of summer means that in a short amount of time, Mussolini is about to be hung upside-down with his mistress at a gas

I can’t see him in a German prison having to Spandau those years there...