James Ryan

Part of the reason zombie movies have gotten stale is because writers have leaned so hard into using them as a backdrop/allegory for generic disaster and THE REAL MONSTER WAS MAN themes that the zombies themselves got rote and dull. They’re monster movies where the monsters are pretty much a formality.

Minbari here: I was unfortunately limited by the costume. The staff kept getting caught up in the costume for one move, and others were impossible because of the head bone. (Smacked that thing so many times before giving up...) I also found out about this 24 hours before it was due, so I worked with what I had. I feel

Ryu here: former martial arts instructor, current stunt man. I’m always ready to flip or kick, opportunities everywhere at every con! <3

Yo - Iron Fist from above here - I had planned my outfit for London Comic Con, where I was hoping to do some short routines around the lobby (which is generally not too crowded!)

Sean Bean gets paid to come in, lend some weight to the proceedings, gather audience sympathy, then die horribly.

So Sean Bean is playing a role of a person everyone thought was dead, but isn’t????

I am going to put on my Captain Obvious hat here. Why is a story about a “Space Shuttle” to Mars called “Moonshot?”

At least Sky Captain acknowledged that he was in fact already dead.

Anything by Luc Besson is good for this collection.  From the classic Nikita and Leon the Professional, more modern Fifth Element, The Messenger, Lucy, Valerian, and Anna.  Can’t go wrong with Luc Besson for a strong female lead.

Her name is Violet. She comes from a world you might not understand.*

You left out agent Peggy Carter, one of the greatest.

I’ll put $100 down on ‘Heat Death of the Universe’.

The correct answer is the next Duke Nukem game!

I’m zombied out but ‘colonialism as zombies’ definitely works thematically.

Form of: marital aid!

Avengers: Endgame would have been funny with half the seats deliberately kept empty...

Honorable Mention for Who Wants to be a Superhero?

That headline has far too much certainty in it. I think it’s more accurate to say that the 25-year-old can of expired Spider-Man pasta probably won’t give you superpowers.