Safe to assume you hadn’t read this one...?
Safe to assume you hadn’t read this one...?
Maybe it’s me, but when you asked if this looked familiar, I first thought of Bela Abzug...
Me too; my follow up question before I realized this wasn’t what we thought it was was going to be, “So what system were you running?”
And I was all set to run into another round of the dice-vs-cards debate, too...
Was the data taking into account the laws on the books in New York that make most airbnb rentals illegal? Wasn’t sure if that played into this or not:
Be careful with WWII puns; it’s not for a wide audience, and not everyone Goebbels them up when offered...
And all this time I thought that was written by Bob Geldof; silly me...
I read your headline, and this came to mind:
The problem is, the kids were not there at their parents’ urging; they were dragged there by missionaries, at times assisted by authorities working hand-in-hand with the church, in an effort to force the kids to give up their traditions and culture. It was not so much a “didn’t read the fine print” matter as it was a…
Forget the cigar cutter; what if he tried to smoke one of those stogies on the flight? Now THAT would have been a problem..
Well, someone had to push that button; might have been me if no one else got to it first...
Okay, now I’ve Herod everything...
So, any chance there’s a connection with this...?
What, they made something nastier than this?
Oh. Dear. Lords...
As you wait, listen to the radio to stay up to date on where you can find help and get screened for contamination.
Look—just (step 1) turn the whole thing over to Ryan Murphy for a season of American Horror Story and (step 2) make it into the nation’s most terrifying haunted house. Step 3: profit!
So, does this qualify as a PSA about PDAs...?
Still, I’ve been enjoying the mental exercise of imagining a Designated Survivor-type accident. On the NBC show, Kiefer Sutherland plays the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development...
This could also have been proactive to contain a potentially larger mess, as Playboy Enterprises might have filed claims to protect their properties against both Playwatch and Blizzard; by trying to shut them down now, Blizzard can show that they not only were not infringing on Playboy’s marks, they were also taking…
“This decision was based on business results—it was not a political decision,” a spokesperson for the company tweeted.
So in other words...