It’s probably be something like this...
It’s probably be something like this...
Well, if the glass of body parts doesn’t convince you, the ad copy might have some clues (emphasis added by me):
There’s plenty of depth with the expansions and the mods available in the Steam Workshop...
And the really sad part is, this footage was captured from a TV reporter from Rochester...
(It’s a WNY thing, you might not understand...)
I’m surprised this has only now just occurred to you.
It might be a system/setting thing, as I got years of 1-on-1 play doing Champions/Hero with a lone avenger/vigilante setting with a few folks, one at a time. There’s a lot of value in doing solo sets that might not be immediately apparent in some fantasy settings,…
Is anyone covering/noticing the Steam Community mods for games like CIV V that stopped working on their PCs when Windows 10 rolled out?
Trump oscillates between carny and supervillain so quickly, it’s no longer possible to tell the difference.
Suggested because there’s a hell of a tuba solo in the middle of the song:
There are just too many levels of sad in looking at this...
The part that surprises me the least: The cyclist was on a Citibike. The folks who rent those show the least courtesy or sense on the road, behaving like they’ve never owned a bike before. (Which, because they’re renting bikes instead of actually owning one, should be a given, but anyway...)
Some of my worst…
Super Bowl XXV, because damnit, if Buffalo was ever going to win one, it should have been THAT contest...
Hard to get...
Read the headline; saw the picture; got a bad 70s flashback...
Gee, thanks...
Also, it’s the future now? And our jets have lasers? And we have space bases?
I’d actually get on board with a bird flight sim, myself.
Out of curiosity, are any of these hunter games as well, in terms of being able to control a raptor that has to hunt prey (fish, small animals, other birds) in order to survive/get points? That would make for a very interesting game if they had that feature.
So wait: The title was “For Love Nor Money”? How did no one ever realize that this is a grammatical nightmare...?
If it were correct, it would have to be either “Neither Love Nor Money,” or else “For Love Or Money.” As written, this is just...
Yes, yes, I remember the 90s in comics, but still...
Okay, stupid question:
And don’t give me that whole “psychosis because we’re snowed in” crap, because I went through seven of those incidents this afternoon, and THIS never came up in ANY of those...
What’s particularly interesting is how few targets noted above are in Russia proper. Most of the targets are in SSR’s that got independence later, primarily Ukraine and Belarus.
Had there been a post-war world to deal with the repercussions of this (and yes, that’s a REAL BIG F’N’ if here, as is any scenario where…
This doesn’t seem to be isolated in the organization to FS1; I was struck recently how Jamie Colby in recent ads for STRANGE INHERITANCE looks to have had some work, and how they scrupulously try to hide in her bio when certain events in her CV took place to keep people from guessing when she was born. You loom…
Too bad the post-Secret Wars universe won’t give them this option to consider; it seemed to work so well last time...