James Ryan

Ultimately, whether we become many or one when we go online depends on a simple cost analysis exercise. If there is a good reason for us to compartmentalize ourselves and we get (or perceive we get) more from such divisions, we will tend towards multiple personalities; if there is a greater benefit from being a being

The bit on No. 1 there puts me in mind of a piece from this issue, where Spidey's adventures were being done in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts. You want to see a nutjob Spiderman, watch him here quote Spinoza as he talks the Thinker out of his latest scheme.

The only way I see alien contact being a challenge to religion is if we encounter aliens that prove that yes, they did visit us in our past, and yes, they can verify that members of their species were recorded in chapters of the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Judges. Only then, after they verify that, yes,

Which was probably also a lie; in reality all these folks were trying to access age restricted content (red band trailers, M-rated gaming add-ons, liquor ads, etc.) and kept feeding false birth dates to have access to this stuff...

OK, admittedly, as I typed it, a nagging voice in my head went off and said, "Yeah, but who*reads* these ToS agreements?" And yeah, I'm sure there's a large data pool that would leap like lemmings off the cliff given half a chance.

Is it too late to consider Terry Nation? Admittedly, his sojourn in the US came after his most creative period, but some of what he did on MacGYVER might possibly count, a little...?

I see a real, REAL big problem here: The methodology involved in the collection of data. If the sample did not offer any solid authorization involved in having their data collated and used by outside vendors for studies by parties other than the proprietors of the site, then there's a whole human-subject-usage-ethics

Call me when he tries a few games of this...

I almost wanted to cut them a break; it's tough getting full on animation done on the cheap, and some of the action shots looked okay, enough to make you forgive a little the cheesy dancing that a lot of shows with kids in them in syndication seemed to go for.

Am I the only one who thinks the guy with the two guns to the right of the pic looks a lot like Isaac Asimov...?

Mine is to occasionally pick up THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. If nothing else, it's big business-friendly blather makes for a good instant cardio workout. And what makes it especially galling is that even a few years ago, before News Corp acquired the paper, I might not have been as incensed when I read it; since then,

...sigh... Thanks

Oh, so it's YOU that I have to hunt down for giving me that line on the Sabers meeting the Rangers in the first round...

Let's see: That's eleven out of 22 where the writer assumes that the fall of civilization leads us back to a medieval existence. A good 50% in this survey.

There was the Sensor Girl AKA Princess Projectra storyline in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES; was that it?

We've got to rock on to

There's an old Irish saying: "That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!"

Remind me not to introduce you to my bookie...

Three gets you four that *this* is the character that DC announces will be coming out of the closet this year...

Actually, I thought we saw evidence of the machine becoming sentient back a few episodes ago; forgive my foggy memory, it was the one that ended with the Machine doing a risk assessment as it watched the characters and concluding on its own based on what they were saying about the Machine that they were not to be