This makes me want to find the old Dimension-Jumper and go to that universe where John Woo directed a Harry potter film...
This makes me want to find the old Dimension-Jumper and go to that universe where John Woo directed a Harry potter film...
In terms of where the vibe on this is from, the reviewer at the TIMES seems to feel it's earlier than later:
I can sort of see the point about LoH (the original adaptation) and grant that one, but the video doesn't work. This was released by Gary Newman in 1978, which is a little closer to the originally cited period. As for COSMOS, we could be on the fence on that one; it first airs in 1980, but had a long pre-production…
This is supposed to be 1983? Back then, you had people a film with characters on sets like these, it'd be considered dated. 1973, maybe 1976, you might have had something there, but not 1983, sorry.
Hey, we almost had a William Tell reboot, but...
The guns don't, but mass manufacture of the shell casings for modern automatic firearms does. With ball and musket, you just need a few square inches of cloth to hold your charge in. Plus, less moving parts with the potential of wear and tear; it's a lot easier to fix a flintlock out in the field than an automatic…
" To see these Space Age monuments tarnished and crumbling is kind of heart-breaking, but somehow their hope remains undimmed."
Didn't have a single scene from this series. Sorry, but if you don't respect the classics, I can't take you seriously...
"There probably have been some [female cult leaders], but there certainly weren't any that have been significantly documented or talked about. "
Well, that joke bombed; better strike it from the list...
"In honor of a certain recent film we won't mention because it's still a spoiler, here's a complete list of movies where the world gets completely trashed at the end. "
"the U.K. is falling behind the U.S. in communication between the arts and sciences"...?
I bow to your brilliance; capital idea!
I have to give AMERICATHON its due: As silly as it was and how it looks at post-hydrocarbon society, it did hit on the nose how we'd ultimately come to deal with Vietnam.
Hear hear! Detective Ron Harris be perfect for the show:
Thing of it is, the opening of this piece reminded me of this bit from ADULT SWIM. I wonder if the bit Seth Greene did was the jumping off point for the faked trailer...?
Good point, that...
One possibility I'm not sure's been brought up: If attitudes towards sex with androids change enough to allow for humans to consider such services more easily, might sex tourism to some destinations diminish as other markets opt to open their own android brothels?
I'd take this from a slightly different perspective: The folks that can afford to be skinny, because they can get fresh veggies and fruit regularly and aren't forced to make most of their meals out of visits to fast food places, are the modern analog to the rounded folks from the time these originally were painted. …