My worst fear: The startling truth they reveal about the Spider-Man mythos' key player is that this individual (fill in the blank here) is actually Arachnae, which they throw in to try and close down Julie Taymor's lawsuit...
My worst fear: The startling truth they reveal about the Spider-Man mythos' key player is that this individual (fill in the blank here) is actually Arachnae, which they throw in to try and close down Julie Taymor's lawsuit...
The one that comes immediately to mind is DARK SHADOWS; the series was only suggesting that things were *possibly* spooky before the ABC suits told them that they were on the bubble, at which point they offered a role to Jonathan Frid, pulled out the control rods and watched things actually go up from there...
It's not too late to bring up THE INVADERS, is it?
If you go back and look at it, the woods flashback is bookended by a POV from a traffic camera that looks at the roadside where the incident takes place.
My only semi-real gripe is the "camera back in time" trick for flashbacks. On occasion, they give us a piece of history where the machine goes back a few years, say to 2007 or 2004, to give us some sense of history for the characters and make us think that the machine/algorithm/narrative trick somehow had been…
She was shocked when the mask came down, showing his true visage. The reaction that washed over her was visceral and immediate as she blurted forth:
This is SOP for the folks at Paramount Licensing. The same thinking that brought an abrupt end to the RPG licensing arrangement they had with FASA; rumor at the time was that someone above the gaming liaison looked at their module for the Orions and flipped about it, which set the tenor for all interactions between…
Are you *sure* this one is from a con? I seem to remember these two opening for the New York Dolls when they did a set at the Little Hippodrome...
My vote's for something else: First contact with another life form.
If they did do a rip-off of IMMORTALS/CLASH OF THE TITANS, three gets you five it'd end being wayy-y-y-y to close to comfort along the line of the Percy Jackson series...
Oh, you saw that episode of MORK & MINDY too, huh...?
I'm not so sure that's a good idea; I remember how bad it was when they did shamelessly rip off films then...
I'm not sure SMALLVILLE was cancelled so much as it just ran out of gas and died by the side of the road. To be cancelled, a show has to be yanked from the schedule, and the producers and network came to their decision amiably (and a few years too damn late...)
Does anyone else here notice that the pattern on her sweater does bear more than a passing resemblance to the stitch pattern on Tom Baker's scarf? Which means maybe she's...
Said Lauren above:
OK, here's a few good pieces of evidence to offer:
Well, this disproves one theory that I and a circle of correspondents had held: That it was the inability of both halves of the brain to speak to each other that made Keith Moon such a fantastic drummer.
Truth to tell, this could be a lot of fun. If it doesn't take itself all that seriously, and from what we see here that seems to be the case, this might be worth the trip.
I remember seeing these spots; the city bought a lot of local time all over when they ran them, a lot of it during newscasts at 11 and overnight on local films. But this is the first I'd heard that David Lynch directed these; whod'a thunk...?
Well said!