James Ryan

We all know why this movie stunk horribly: Because Steve Jackson Games ruined the producers' original intent and wouldn't give them the right to make a screen version of their classic game, "Kung-Fu CB Mamas on Wheels vs. the Aztec Motorcycle Wrestling Nuns" and so they had to cobble something together in, oh, seven

That's just me being too damn anxious to type this out properly; it should read "Hero System," the core rules for CHAMPIONS. In this case, I definitely rolled a '3' here...

I don't know if I still have that around; I did this paper [REDACTED] years ago, and so might have problems finding a copy...

OK, new fantastic obsession: When I get my time machine, I go back to the Brontes at the height of their world-building phase, introduce them to the Her System, and keep coming back for what could have been one hell of a pencil-and-paper set of RPG sessions run by them... Said campaign could have been *epic*!

My memory of the Mule involved my efforts to convince my high school English teacher to allow my undertaking a paper that did a comparison between him and Shakespeare's Richard III as characters. In order to be able to undertake the assignment, I loaned him FOUNDATION AND EMPIRE to give him background on the

Which I guess is pretty well in line with this observation about the only thing we have to fear is...


For reasons beyond the obvious FINDING NEMO shout-out...?

Edited down for brevity:

As far as frightened finger waving at DOCTOR WHO goes, this is kind of lame.

Well, I don't know about "the America Way," but with that out in the open, I think we have "Truth" and "Justice" pretty well put to bed...


Do you know how many years ago I gave up having to say, "Hey, it was the 70s..." to explain all this crap? Every time I think I've seen all examples of how bad everyone's taste was back then, something new bubbles up from the bottom.

OK, put down that deerstalker hat and magnifying glass; there's one character on the list that may not be free and clear to use just yet...

Considering how many stories I've seen over the last few years from THE NEW YORKER that absolutely do *not* follow this advice, I have to conclude one of two things:

I would meet you *some* of the way, in that I'd like to see more *good* female leads in such stories. A good example of this are the two female protagonists in the film TOOTH AND NAIL [ [www.imdb.com] ], a film that has two female characters leading opposing camps amidst the ruins of Philadelphia, two well-rounded

"As for who the voice is...well, there are plenty of possible guesses from the classic series, and the fact that Time Lords are specifically involved makes it slightly more likely that we're harking back to something we've seen before. (Neil Gaiman did say this episode connects to Patrick Troughton's swansong "The War

I'm not sure Paul Giamatti needs to be the Rhino; he's already aced the whole actor playing a comic book character trick when he did Harvey Pekar in AMERICAN SPLENDOR.

I'd be careful going down that path. The whole "blame the liability" argument that was used to take positions in the debate on health care and tort reform led in those discussions to some outrageous claims by both sides and wild declarations that forced those that made them to come across as shrill and uncaring. As

There's also another point to be considered: Where the trade actually takes place. In addition to the increase in speed to be achieved by going to these offshore points, the fact that most of these are extraterritorial means that if they can provide instruments of trade as occurring at these places, then all