James Ryan

Actually, Maria Rasputin, his daughter, was on an active campaign through a good portion of her life to rehabilitate her father's legacy, with her memoirs and countless personal appearances discussing his better qualities. Whether she would have sued or not is debatable, but there may have been something to her that

So we're spending time discussing a film put together by a software salesman who shot it with a budget of less than $10,000, for which he overpaid considering the end product, and through sheer faith in himself and his product got our attention with no apologies for the effort. In short, the Horatio Alger story via

Am I the only one who thinks the reason we have this film is because some marketing group went to one of the ComicCons and polled a few thousand attendees as to things that make them excited, then determined the top 62.5% of the memes from the data and shoved it all into one screenplay? The more preview materials I

Sorry, name's taken.

Will you accept portals that are built by human hand as time travel devices? If so, then Project Tic-Toc from THE TIME TUNNEL deserves a place on this list...

Whatever else you may think after seeing the trailer, there's one thing you can pull from it that should give pause: the August release date.

Let's not forget that Billy Crystal's pregnancy in RABBIT TEST is never really explained, except that he was on the bottom while making love to an immigrant, who in some circles are still called "aliens," after all...

Must resist the urge to throw in cliché about connection between sex and death...

Think that's something, read further: He's helping one Nayla Al Khaja, a woman director in a field that doesn't have that strong a representation among women behind the lens. Better still, he's helping her hone her skills in the Arab world, where opportunities for women in the arts have not been that plentiful.

Give these folks their due, at least: Back then, getting ants to perform on camera the way the script called for it was damn neigh impossible, and even today a director given a choice would rather CGI the ants in than wrangle the little buggers the way he wants them to go. If nothing else, all other things

It could always be a lot worse; what if the film makers were instead ripping off Frank Herbert's THE WHITE PLAGUE...?

If this is indeed based on a night of panic that gripped LA soon after WWI was underway, that therefore makes this the *second* movie based on this incident; and considering how well received the first one was, I'm not so sure that's a good sign...

"Is the story of the Von Trapp family in the public domain?

I too will miss him. One of his characters most famous quotes was, when asked about the Doctor, "Lovely chap, all of them;" the Brig, however, was unique, and could never be replaced. My best to his family in this time.

I wish I could laugh as hard, but every time I see anything about BARBARIAN QUEEN, I keep getting reminded of Lana Clarkson's sad demise. What happened to her was too sad; try as I might, I can never forget any of that.

I'm not so sure about those scientist valentines, considering that of the eight, only two had what could be considered succesful relationships with their significant others. The rate of divorce, or worse inability to relate to potential lovers, is a lot higher than one normally finds, and sending one to your love may

Great; she's taking Supergirl's name and Spider-Woman's costume, then then on top of that is going up against one of Batman's foes. Of all the folks she could have picked, why did it have to be the Mad Hatter...?

If we do have to live up to this manifesto,does that make us versed in the gonme-in-cultre...?

"John winds up in a universe where America is still stuck in the 1950s, and tries to patent the Rubik's Cube, the novels of Stephen King, and various other things"

So they got Matt Smith to go with the TOS crew. Show me one with Patrick Troughton's Doctor and his companions working with the concurrent ST set, and THAT might impress me...