james roday

Wow, so most of their lineup is gonna be cheap Canadian and British imports soon. Their upcoming shows seem to be going the more serious route too. Looking on their wiki I can't find any upcoming "fun" shows on their slate except for The Almighty Johnsons, an import from New Zealand. Otherwise its all more space/alien

I watched the first three episodes of Helix and couldn't get in to it. My impression of it being a mess was from a friend who watches. Its on my list to try again during the summer dry season of TV. though Is it crazy in a good way like American Horror season 2, or crazy in a bad way like American Horror season 3?

In all honesty being someone for Will to bounce ideas off in his mind palace could easily increase her screen time. Its not like the squints get to do much on this show besides quip (not that I'm complaining, I don't need to know about their home lifes).

I forgot about Haven. I tried to get in to that but just never could. Looking at it's episode wiki it looks like it was actually doing slightly better ratings then Warehouse. I will never understand the viewing public in this country.

Yeah, its especially odd given the fact that weird, fun scif/fantasy shows are doing relatively well now (Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, Once Upon a Time). It looks like the only scripted shows they have going now are Bitten, Helix, and Defiance (plus the imports Lost Girl and Continuum). Defiance has been a bit of a hit, but

Did they? I must have missed that. Does SyFy have any relatively light-hearted shows left or is it all dour alien/zombie/virus invasion dramas now? They should reboot Eureka. The character storylines had gotten old but its a great premise.

I thought that at first glance too, but its actually a broken pigs head on a lizard creature doll body.

I really liked the episode, but was completely confused by the ending. I was going with Sabrina's explanation, but then they did the weird pan and zoom on Hope. Now I have to assume she is some kind of budding necromancer.

Having Wolverine on the ground with Cap at the end would have made those fight scenes much more entertaining too. Watching Cap, Hawkeye, and Widow beat up like 10 guys while the A-listers were dropping bodies by the dozens out of the sky was a little boring.

I guess I can see an actor of his caliber getting a bit bored with cable genre fare. Its a shame his potential exit forced the end of the show though, I think Bill could have stepped up to lead the team without the show missing too much of a step.

Its what Agents of Shield wants to be, on (at most) 1/3rd the budget. I can't believe SyFy cancelled it. It had to be significantly cheaper than Warehouse 13, and didn't do much worse in the ratings iirc. The only set was the team's office, than some really cheap locations like run down warehouse districts and boiler

Seriously, I think even Kevin Smith would have been a better choice at this point to shepard this new universe. But Fox proved they have no brains when they ran Matthew Vaughn off the First Class sequel.

Just imagine how much cooler Avengers would have if they could have used Wolverine & Spiderman instead of Hawkeye & Widow. With the Disney cash vault backing them I can't believe Marvel hasn't been able to make Fox an offer they couldn't refuse to get the rights back. I think it would be worth $1B for Marvel to get

I'd like to agree, because this show is doing "comic book action" as good as the Marvel movies on 1/100th the budget, but the CW required soap elements keep it from ascending to the heights of Justified, Hannibal, or The Americans imo. Get rid of the Laurel is a drunk & Queen family drama side plots and this season

Yeah, I love this show, but I can't help but wonder what this show could be if it was on FX. We might be able to talk about it in terms of being legitimately great and not just "way better than it has any right to be as a CW show".

They might have cast Tara Strong to actually be the physical Harley Quinn, not just the voice. She's a bit old for the role as usually written, but this is pretty clearly a later in life Harley, so seeing her grown-up/post-Joker could be kinda interesting.

Plus the actress playing Sara is way better than the actress playing Laurel, with the huge bonus of being able to do her own stunts and fight choreography. This show has done everything else so well, forcing out Sara for Laurel would be an epic blunder. Hopefully the showrunners will know a good thing when they see it

I'm a big fan of Harley and the cameo made me smile, but it also kept me from 100% enjoying the episode. No matter what was going on on-screen I couldn't help but feel it would have been 10x more awesome with Harley along for the ride.

I had the completely opposite reaction. We've seen all that Boyd has done on the outside, from the beat down of funeral home dude to making his lackey garrote an old man. Boyd has taken serious risk, both criminally and morally, all to free his love who is in jail purely through her own stupid actions. I felt for Boyd

I'm thinking outside authorities were never even notified about the stabbing. Prisons tend to want to run things in house and not invite outside scrutiny. The warden could have just sent her up to State Pen for being a "discipline" problem, probably suspecting that something wasn't right but being too lazy/corrupt to