james roday

I'm surprised no one has pointed it out before me, but I laughed out
loud when Felicity said Ray was healthy apart from an iron deficiency.
Glad they are okay calling out that he is essentially just a far less
interesting version of Iron-Man.

I sensed that as well. While I don't like the change as a fan of Book Jaime, I am interested to see how the showrunners think they can redeem him in our eyes after this. And if the reviewer really is just mad that they had another rape in the show, I'd suggest they stop watching now, and never read any medieval

Exactly, I think showing a more authentic rape (for lack of a better term) shows more empathy for rape victims then trying to gloss over the seedier aspects to make everyone more comfortable.

Is this depiction of rape really worse than the one in the books? I think Cersei protesting the entire time sends a better message then her saying no then relenting once its started. That version is basically saying rape is okay because eventually she'll come to her senses and enjoy it.

Laurel walking upstairs while playing with a basketball would be the best Arrow ending ever.

I agree The Machine didn't want the congressman dead. If it had, it could have sent Root and she'd have done it no questions asked. I honestly don't know what was gained by giving the team the congressman's number, I hope it was something beyond giving them a reason to be morally conflicted.

I think Jack hasn't changed at all, and went right back to using Miriam for his own ends. He stills suspects Hannibal and wanted to see how he'd react to Miriam showing up in is sanctum sanctorum again. More evidence that Jack is as psycho as Hannibal and Gideon.

This is the first webm i've ever seen, and I have to say I prefer gif. The infinitely repeating loop is the best part, and webm loses that.

All I have to say is: Two and a Half Men. Americans love being spoonfed the same bland slop week in and week out.

The upcoming video game Arkham Knight is introducing a new villain to Batman's rogues gallery after using canon villains in the first two games. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a new movie generated hero real soon. Heres hoping its a woman or minority, its already hard enough to tell all the roidy white guys apart.

The final one is Gideon solo. Turns out he had an amputee fetish the whole time and never knew it.

I think just about everyone on this show is some form of sociopath, except for maybe Alana. Jack had no qualms about putting Will in bad situations, and generally shows no emotion other than anger/rage when something personally goes wrong for him.

Actually a similar thing happened to me. I got in to a pretty violent fight when I was 17 and ended up doing a year in jail. I've always been a huge reader, so I did everything I could to get a job in the prison library. It was staffed by 4 inmates and overseen by a county employee, who at the time was a octogenarian

They could go the Modern Family route and just send all the regulars on a unexplained, inexplicably nice vacation once a season.

Agreed. I hate it when a procedural tips its hand by having a character show up in a scene where they don't need to be, just to introduce us the audience to that character. 98% of the time that person ends up being the killer. I thought for sure that is what was going to happen with the ex-con dental assistant

I feel the same about Spencer. I think he's probably the best player in the game, but hes been teamed with complete idiots since the beginning. I hope he finds the super idol and uses it to form a two man secret alliance with Woo, because I hate everyone else.

Spoiler alert re: Isabel
Theres pictures going around on the internet of her in Ravager's costume so I think its safe to say shes Rose Wilson.

Rapid blinking and erratic head movement isn't acting, its grounds to get checked for Parkinson's.

I loved the show Bunheads, but watching it always made me a little depressed because the young ladies in the cast were so much more accomplished than I, at half my age. The tall one has danced with the Bolshoi, is a virtuoso violinist, built robots through a program with NASA/JPL, and now plays Roller Derby. While I

Mark Sheppard wouldn't even have to change his performance, he'd even still be answering to the name Crowley.