james roday

I agree that there are far worse shows, but I don't think there is a show that annoys me more than TBBT. TBBT fans see me in my geeky tshirts and assume I like their show and always bring it up, only to be mad when I tell them how much I hate it. I don't think anything has led to more awkward strangers with

Did anyone else want the episode to end right after Marty broke down in front of his family at the hospital? Rust's fate unknown and Marty likely insane would have kept up the Lovecraftian vibe. Their ending was good, but I always prefer more ambiguity.

I'm pretty sure he's already slated as a minor character in Game of Thrones season 4.

They travel for cases too, its not all DC area killers. They just don't make a big deal out of it the way Criminal Minds does with the whole "Look at our shiny corporate jet!" thing. And as other people have said, they are going for an exaggerated baroque horror. Your typical L&O rape and murder isn't gonna pique

Thats what makes me saddest in all this. The renewal of The Following probably signals the death of Almost Human. And while Almost Human isn't a great show, it was entertaining enough and showed signs of improving if it got a second season. The Following started as hot garbage and has only gotten worse, to the point

Thats the impression I got. Slade figured he could handle Ollie (especially since hes unarmed), then Roy shows up, they have their shake off, and Slade figures he can take both of them if need be. Then Sara comes down the stairs and now Slade has to rethink things because she could actually give him a fight in hand to

Wait, you think The Following is morally superior to Hannibal? *head explodes* Hannibal shows the end result of seeing extreme violence day after day, The Following celebrates that violence.

True, I guess I poorly phrased that. I was alluding to the fact they are obviously courting Christian viewers. "As if FoxNews hired the Coens to make a movie about Rupert Murdoch" would have been better.

Agreed. The sequels are crap, but the first film is one of the better sex comedies of the 80's. Its basically Porky's in a police station.

I don't think I've ever been this conflicted about a movie. I love Aronofsky, hes one of my favorite working directors. But as much as I love Aronofsky, I loathe religion just as much. This is like if the Coens made a movie about how awesome Rupert Murdoch is.

He didn't take any $ for the coke, so they can't get him on distribution, which takes away any leverage Fiona may have had.

To the myriad people below talking about how all the characters other then Rust & Marty are caricature, I would say this might be the point. All we know of the characters in the pasts we are learning from Rust & Marty in their interviews. We all shoehorn people in to caricature types in our everyday lives. Maggie,

I thought the same thing. The episode they chose for post Super Bowl was one of the weakest imo. The only reason I can see them picking that ep over The Party is that they were afraid of offending red staters with a plot centered around an interracial gay couple.

The most amazing thing to me is that they created that tension in a flashback. We know that Rust can't die out there, and he can't even be caught because we know he stays a cop for years after this event. Yet I was still on the edge of my seat for that entire 6 minutes.

Thats how I describe it to friends when I'm trying to get them to watch. "Its kinda like Girls, only funny, and, ya know, good."

Great, now all the networks will bail on Thursday nights and cram everything in on Mon-Wed. I already watch 5.5 hours of shows on Tuesday night, please cut my poor, crappy Verizon DVR some slack.

Glad I'm not the only one whose ears perked up at the 'wind between the stars' line. I started paying way more attention to the preacher after that. I'd love to find a transcript of his sermon, because it seemed almost none of it was Bible based.

Thats my take as well. I'd imagine if you ask the prop department for a gas mask, they give you the normal Breaking Bad kind. I think you'd have to specifically ask for the creepy plague doctor looking ones.

The only thing good about it being on Fridays is that is less likely to get killed for low ratings. A 1.0 on friday is as good as a 1.5 on tuesday imo.

I tried watching Cheers recently as I was too young to enjoy its first run. However I couldn't make it more than 5 episodes in. The character of Coach annoyed me so much he canceled out the hilarity of Danson and Ratzenberger.