james roday

I don't think its the preacher either, just that he is the only side character we've met so far who isn't just a generic cop or poor hillbilly.

Yeah, I doubt either of the detectives is actually the killer, as you said it would make no sense to stage the crime in a way that would put yourself under suspicion. The only other legit suspect at this point is the black preacher though, and I doubt its him as well. This show seems to be more about male vs. female

That'll be season 6 I think. The Season 4 villain is Francis Dolarhyde, a child murderer who suffers from really baroque, graphic hallucinations. I always pictured Bosch-style paintings when reading the novel.

I do agree its unlikely to happen, but the hallucinations Rust has could be laying the ground work so we accept some crazier visuals down the line, much like Hannibal is using Will's hallucinations to get us ready for the super crazy stuff in (God of Television willing) season 4 of that show.

I could see it being the preacher. Satanic Panic would bring more people in to church (increasing donations) while also forcing the cops to finally look in to whoever is vandalizing his church. Ritual murder seems a bit far to go, but it does look like a REALLY boring place to live.

I just remembered True Detective will probably be submitted in the miniseries/tv movie category like American Horror, so it's awesomeness will not effect Cranston or Paul's forthcoming Emmys. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Dean Norris squeak ahead of Paul since he's already got a couple.

I said the same thing to my S/O as we were watching. They should just give McConaughey a special Emmy, so that all the regular TV actors stand a chance this year. Bryan Cranston was great in Breaking Bad S5.2, but this performance from MM is a whole other level. McConaughey being on TV is like if Peyton Manning went

Cool Lester Smooth was a character on The Wire. The same actor played a role on Treme as well. Hes one of HBOs stock players. He played the black church leader in the first episode of True Detective.

I think just about everyone is assuming the killer is one of the two detectives. I personally think its way more likely to be Marty, given his temper, view of a woman's role, and control issues. I could easily see him going to a pro, getting whiskey dick, then cutting her up when she laughs at him.

I'm starting to wonder if it isn't a run in with cosmic horror that has made Rust the man he is in 2012. His "origin story"/outlook is very similar to a lot of Lovecraft protagonists. The dust-up in the woods that Marty foreshadows in his interview session could be a disagreement about what they witness out there.

I actually think the owl being there was intentional. This show seems like its not going to explain every single detail to the viewer like a typical network procedural. They drop in the King in Yellow and Carcosa references without explaining them, and I imagine they will end up influencing the investigation quite a

If anything Marty disagreeing with Rust is the show agreeing with Rust, since it seems pretty clear Marty is an ignorant jackass.

They did at least once last season. Going from Pawnee to cannibals was enough to give me tonal whiplash.

Adam's Apples is a great dark comedy as well, I highly recommend that one to see Mads do humor.

I hope most of the new shows bomb, if only because its likely the only way we'll get more Community after next season.

Kinda bummed no one mentioned this yet, but was I the only one who wanted the plot to Good Omens to start up when Cas and Crowley got in the car together? It made me want to start a kickstarter just to get those 2 actors to film a short. Hell, the demon in Good Omens is already named Crowley and everything.

I said the same thing to those on my couch. They need to have a random 14 year old from the inner city guest judge every week. "Its not nasty, but… shits mushy. Pack yo shit 'n go.

Ha, when I was locked up I was quite the gourmand. Ramen noodles soaked in warm water for 30-40 minutes, crushed up soft cheetos to make a cheese sauce, then some ripped up bits of beef jerky for protein. Voila, poor(er) mans hamburger helper.

This. So very this. He is getting waaay too overexposed. He needs to take a page out of Zach Levi's book. Levi's Nerd HQ is like Nerdist without all the "Heya look at me! I make Doctor Who jokes so I must be nerd cool!" Hardwick should just produce shows for his way more talented friends.

So he was better off supporting a child who isnt his, and loving a woman who didn't love him back? Its better that this happened for everyone involved. Ffion can go be with her baby daddy, and he gets to find a better partner.