James Really Doesnt Care

You know those videos where someone is doing a dyno pull and a rag gets sucked up in a turbo?

Yeah. I may have been the cause of my friends s550 to destroy itself.

We were doing a turbo swap on his v12, upgrading to AMG turbos. Well, someone didn’t tighten a hose clamp well enough and one bank of the v12 consumed a red

Now THIS is a shameful car secret.

Oh, my goodness. I now see it. Wow. I need coffee.

Disregard, I’m slower than slow today...

I have a clip on BMW grille/badge on my OG Sorento so people think I drive a X5.

This is good Torchlopnik.

Don’t stop natural selection from doing its job.

I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

Bills fan, eh?

It’s hard to accept, but the Eagles and their fanbase have made Tom Brady the hero that Gotham needs right now.


Claire, I’m really happy for you, and I’ma let you finish, but Kenji has the best one-pot creamy mac and cheese recipe of all time:

What’s “misleading” about the fact that 53% of white women who voted in last Presidential election chose Trump. Here is a link to Coates article so you can better understand what it means when we bring up that 53%, and if you believe that’s on par with people who bring up black crime stats you need to disabuse

And if an ALABAMA SORORITY thinks you’re too racist...

The way the USDA organic standard treats genetic modification is a joke meant to appease people who deny or misunderstand the science of genetics and agriculture.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Well at least they got one thing right. Poe is a garbage person. He is the Star wars holiday special of star wars characters. more specifically the section where all the wookies speak to each other for 15 minutes with no subtitles.

Also, why does it have a dead pedal?

That’s also the second time Finn should have died but didn’t lol

Forget Japan, sign me up so I can reach that mythical 6 feet so I can feel better about my superficial self