
I am car folk and I think they still look fantastic. Give me an SL500 with the deep-dish AMG wheels and I’ll be set.

This kind of article is why I peruse Lifehacker regularly. I'm in my 40's, and have wondered for decades why I sweat so much. Based on this info, being born and raised in south Louisiana probably played a big role. I've even talked to doctor friends over the years as well as my own doctors, and they must've all been

I bought a utility trailer. From Home Depot. For $600.

Which has now come full circle as applied to a BMW Mini, since the original Seven became the Dixi, the car that launched BMW into the automotive field.

10 years ago my dad bought a red Lotus Elise. My mom and him went out back roads and coastal drives, they even became part of this small Elise club. One day when they were out on a mountain road they got into an accident. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it. And at age 10 that left an impact on me, and it haunted me for

No. It is a scientifically-proven fact the apex of wheel design occurred with the release of the BMW Style 37 “M Parallel” wheel.

I read on another Jezebel thread that men are never accused of being a try hard. This dude is the living counterpoint to that comment.

Starred not only for the fun visual place this took me to, but also for spelling “ordnance” correctly.

If I went there I would dress like my usual totally basic, classic-style self and feel really rebellious doing it.

Well basically ALL of them are trying too hard. Which, I mean in a way, really throwing it all out there is kind of fun — this just isn’t my preferred aesthetic.

This is truly a staggering amount of Would Not Bang.

[car is in the drainage ditch]

She proceeds to explain to him that only a hamburger contains meat, and that a cheeseburger is vegetarian. She says she knows this because she has been to McDonald’s in London literally *hundreds* of times in the last few years, and that a cheeseburger is always vegetarian when she orders one!

If the car shopping process no longer has the margins to support the middle-man, perhaps it’s time to take out the middle man.

I still put two spaces after my sentences. Apparently this is wrong. Is it secretly someone’s pet peeve? I learned to type on a typewriter in the 80’s. I mean 80s.

Ammosexual status confirmed....as long as we’re flingin’ around epithets.

As a self enlightened individual, you have to understand the irony of the male feminist showing up to tell the ladeez to keep down the snark.

Is this just mantasy?