
Bigfoot sighting and ghost hunting seem so quaint and innocent after the rise of Alex Jones and his brand of hysterical mass paranoia.

Better get in quick before they fill it up with epsom salts and jam it on over to the old folks' home!

Ah, yeah. Gotcha.

In my limited understanding of coffee tasting and techniques, I think cold brewing tends to level out a lot of coffees because the beans are from different places in a lot of coffee blends. The fancy coffee shops around me stress the "single origin" aspect of their cold brews, which I think means that a particular

It is fun to lose in the way that X-Com can be fun to lose. Some of the fun is admittedly taken away by the fact that it sometimes just comes down to bad luck, but I think the game has been tweaked to the point that a good party with good strategy can usually succeed.

Cool, I've never heard of it. Tatters is interesting because it's not a "run, tentacles!" kind of CoC game but rather a slow unraveling of the PCs' sanity in the face of the King in Yellow's alien influence. There are maybe 4 combats in the entire campaign and certain aspects of the plot are gated off depending on

Got back from a week long trip across Michigan on Wednesday, visiting children aged between 6 weeks and 4 years that my partner is related to and I'd love nothing more than to veg out at home and play some games but I need to start packing up my apartment to move out.

Congrats on finishing the campaign! My players are not super into Call of Cthulhu (which is too bad, since I've got an itch to run Tatters of the King), so I'm very jealous.

I took a step back from Dark Souls 3 again, even though I only have Ashes of Ariandel and The Ringed City left. I really should finish it soon. But I felt a desire to play Pillars of Eternity and I've been enjoying myself with that when I have time. There's an early fight that used to give me a ton of trouble but then

What greater friend to Freedom than an ex-KGB strongman?!

But is Marmaduke gay? I was really hoping to move these Collected Marmaduke books during Pride.

I got a little taste of it driving from Indianapolis up to Chicago- just flat as far as the eye can see. My partner's family is from the north eastern part of the state, but I think still in a relatively flat part of it. Pigs outnumber humans 4 to 1!

Supermarkets in Iowa have a bacon section independent of the rest of the meat refrigerators. Des Moines' tourism board really should have played that up at peak Internet Bacon Mania.

As a "coastal elite" that's dating an Iowan, I am still horrified by the term "loose meat" even though I've grown up eating sloppy joes. And they're basically the same thing, I know. But I think the combination of going vegetarian and the most nondescript term for what you're getting makes me very suspicious. The

This week I finally finished up Dark Souls 3's main campaign, including Archdragon Peak and the Nameless King! It was a tough fight and a very narrow victory but I managed to finally defeat him! Now I'm on to Ashes of Ariandel. I feel like they got a little lazy on the design here, at least for the first area.

I saw Rammstein live when I was about 13. Watching the lead singer come out with a dripping strap-on and simulate fucking his keyboard player on stage left me with a few questions that weren't fully answered until I got older.

It's the busiest time of year at work, so I haven't had a ton of time to play games lately- at least between work and the family/social obligations that come from spring arriving.

Thank you!


It's my birthday! So I'm taking a four day weekend, having a nice lobster roll with my girlfriend and drinking beer!