
I’m feeling some serious D&D withdrawals since we haven’t met to play this past month and won’t be getting together until the 10th, so I’m listening to Actual Play podcasts (either RPPR or OneShot Podcast Neo Scum campaign) while I play Icewind Dale or Bloodborne and remember what was. After finishing Demon’s Souls

We made it back from our Montreal trip! Successful first "real" vacation together without killing each other (though it got close once or twice)!

Dead Money has its problems but I thought it was one of the best DLCs in the game. It has one of the best sets of NPCs in the game and some strong writing, even if the gameplay itself can get pretty annoying.

We're flying to Montreal on Sunday for what is now a much-needed family and wedding free vacation- my plan to eat a bagel in NY and then have one in Montreal is looking a little less possible given how early we need to be at the airport vs. when the coffee shop down the street opens but I'll deal.

I started balding at around 14, completely bald on top by 18. But I was blessed with a fine round dome of a head and a lack of bigotry, so I'm doing far better than Miller.

Turns out my decade+ old tv didn't have HDMI inputs, so I couldn't hook up my PS4 over the weekend. While waiting for a new tv for the apartment (and selling my partner on it by pointing out that we can hook it up to her Netflix account) I got into Demon's Souls again.

I bailed on the novel series at the end of Wolves of the Calla. The whole,"Let's Go Meet Stephen King" aspect turned me right off and ended my year-long King binge. it's a shame that this was turned into a mediocre summer blockbuster; as much as parts of the books made me cringe there was a ton of unique and

Cole's Babies need the most attention.

I successfully moved from Brooklyn to Harlem this week and most of my unpacking is done! Now I just need to get everything placed and sorted in the new office setup I have with my partner and maybe I can play some Dark Souls or Bloodborne this weekend. I'm getting that Fallout New Vegas itch, though. I gave my

I jumped back in last weekend but haven't shelled out for the Necromancer since I don't know if I want to play it on the computer or on PS4. It is a really easy game, I try to bump up the difficulty as soon as it becomes possible to do so.

After surviving an Ikea trip with my partner last weekend (we were fine with each other, just hated the store and everyone else at the store so I count that as a victory) I will have no time for games as I will be packing up my life in plastic bins and cardboard boxes to move into her place. I've got a lot of packing

See, the problem is that she wants to look at what we're getting in person, which means inevitably looking at other things.

Playing the game Go To Ikea Without Ruining Your Long-Term Relationship. It's a little too hardcore for me, so I want to speed run it; my partner's "… but we'll still browse, right?" addendum makes me think we'll get caught up in unnecessary side quests.

Nope, just the aftermath of a Jill Sandwich.

The per encounter stuff especially I have to remember to use, especially the Sworn Enemy paladin power which is really the best way to get damage out of my tanky Shieldbearer. I think at this point I just need to read over all of Hiravias' spells so that I know what I'm doing with him.

I got as far as the Hall of Cages before getting a little frustrated with it. But it's a pretty solid game.

Good advice. I'm also just not as good at micro-managing battles in this game since there's so much going on all the time. I was used to BG and IWD when at least half the battles didn't require using all of your resources, whereas I think Pillars expects you to use at least a few spells and abilities each encounter.

I picked up Hollow Knight during the steam sale last weekend and I like it a lot even though I'm pretty bad at it and sometimes find it frustrating. The animation is stunning, though, so I'm definitely sticking around. I just got the dash move so I'm going back through previous levels to find the stuff that was gated

This weekend I'm going to do some deep apartment cleaning to get ready for my move next month and try to winnow down all my books by giving them away or donating them. Clothes are another story- I may try to drag bags of clothes up to Goodwill on the subway but if I can convince a friend with a car to help that would

I have a Swiss grenadier named Tommy 'Nero' Wiseau but I can't find a good voice option for him.