
I'll tell ya one thing, he's not building a playhouse for the children.

I have broken my vow on not playing anything else until I finish X-Com 2. X-Com 2 hasn't had much progress beyond expanding my comms facility and getting the next big mission prepared along with my Advanced Warfare Center and Workshop. I need engineers to keep this thing going at a nice clip but drones are apparently

From what I've heard, Psi Operatives are a lot of fun- they just suffer because you can only get them mid- to late-game.

Still pushing forward on XCom 2. Even though I've got 6 Engineers and 6 Scientists now, I feel like progress is getting a little throttled- I need to improve my Comms in order to take out Advent's internet but before that I need more power so I can upgrade the Comms Center to get more contacts. And I think I've got

Gotta get those Kids In The Hall references in whenever possible!

One of the strangest days in art school was when my illustration teacher came in with a bag of live crabs and some other dead fish and plopped them all down on the tables. Then he told us to make collages of them- not WITH them as in killing the crabs and using their parts in our collages but to treat them as our

I'm going to Montreal in August, so I'm very excited to eat a bagel here in NY and then have one once I land in Montreal to do a comparison.

I've tried and aborted several Ironman games now. It's usually at the first retaliation mission that I end up getting screwed since I overextend my squad trying to get civilians (unless I end up getting my soldiers wounded in the first few missions, which also tends to hamstring forward progress). Maybe after I beat

I have continued in my progress on XCom 2 with the help of save scumming. The Shadow Chamber is built and processing the various arts and crafts projects that Advent is working on and I have a new target after analyzing the Codex brain. I have to say that the Codex unit is easily the most annoying so far- not

Yeah, I agree. A Scholar of the First Sin type of remaster where they revisit problem areas like the ones you mentioned would be ideal, were they to do that.

I'm probably still going to get this, but I am glad to read a more critical perspective than what I've been hearing. I think the trajectory from Demon's Souls as a cult hit to Dark Souls 3 as a mainstream hit has encouraged solipsistic tendencies in From Software and their publishers. Fans love it when they see those

I'm going to be teaching some of my friends how to play fairly soon. I have fond memories of Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury, though my own 5E conversion of Sunless Citadel was pretty bungled.

…I think I'm blind…

There is some Drangleic stuff in there- the Drang armor, the Faraam set makes another appearance and the Shield of Want is definitely from DS2. They're less prevalent but there is stuff from DS2 in the third game.

I liked DS2 a lot, even without the DLCs. I felt like the underlying system of the game was refined really nicely and they pushed the enemy placement and level design more than in DS. For example, the torch mechanic in No Man's Wharf as an improvement on the Tomb of Giants, they figured out how to do bigger mobs of

This made me want to fire my squaddie for gross incompetence.

Even though I really want to get into the Dark Souls 3 DLC, I've decided that I will finish X-Com 2 before I play another game in my game finishing resolution. My current plan is to go X-Com 2, then Dark Souls 3 with DLCs, Pillars of Eternity and DLCs, Bloodborne and Old Hunters, Tyranny. So that's probably the next

Since I've finished Hyper Light Drifter and Tides of Numenera in the last few weeks, I'm setting my sights on finishing some more games that I have in various stages of completion. I was planning to pick up on Pillars of Eternity where I left it, but then I fired up Bloodborne again (I blame you all for it, since you

Corpsey, the Corpse Who Always Yells will now be an NPC in all of my D&D campaigns.

The real time with pause is okay, but I think that it works better in the original infinity engine games precisely because 2nd Edition D&D is much simpler as a system. Spellcasters have a limited arsenal and everyone else can only do so many things at a time, so it's easier to keep up. But when everyone on the