
I need to get back to Pillars of Eternity. I think I did too many sidequests or hit a wall in the Caed Nua dungeons and put it aside.

Not too much game time for me until Sunday since I'll be officiating my friends' wedding. And of course this is the week I get a cold, so I'm a bit stuffed up though my sore throat is mostly gone. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be mostly over it. I've got my speech down pretty well, so I have a good feeling that I won't

I spent last weekend almost finishing Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Got to the big confrontation at the Ducal Palace (which I had to attempt a few times to prevent NPCs from dying or being massacred myself) and then decided to go check out the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion stuff, which I've never finished. Now

Yeah, I think we just have the one ring of fire resistance on the paladin and that's all. Though the barbarian receives half damage from everything while he's raging. I have to think of what to do after they finish it- I'm considering having the death of Imix's avatar suck them into a portal to the Plane of Fire and

This weekend, I will either continue on with the Skyrim repackaged edition or Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition even though I really should play some of the games I've never even touched and would be new to me or to finally beat the games that I haven't ever been able to. But it's relaxing to run around beating down

I watched Silence again recently, and Lecter does mention that Buffalo Bill *wishes* that he was trans, but actually isn't. However, that doesn't mean the early '90s movie-going public didn't walk away with the wrong impression.

"Parents must make choices about their kids education"- how to get segregation back into schools without expressly enforcing segregation.

I've had good Indian in Indianapolis, so there's got to be some in your neck of the woods.

It's definitely up there with the painting on the Mega Man box for most avant garde Nintendo box art.

Not you Gleep-Glop, you're one of the good ones.

Connecticut actually has a pretty major heroin problem!

It's like my daddy used to say, you can't trust no man what's made outta gas!

The first time I'd been out for dim sum was for my friend's post-wedding brunch when he came back to the East Coast. One of the many things I would enjoy more if I wasn't sticking to a pescatarian diet, since everything looks so good. His uncle and cousins were really nice about picking out the stuff that I could

I'm with you on a lot of those criticisms. The Topekan/Atchison feud had a dumb resolution and I found it completely ridiculous that the general lamented that I didn't make peace with the Red Scorpion Militia when I wiped them out. Killing a bunch of thugs running a protection racket and forcing people into slavery is

The horror! THE HORROR!!

After traveling for the holidays, I'm ready to not leave my apartment over the weekend and preferably not wear pants. But I also need to go suit shopping, which requires pants. And I've got a paying gig drawing someone's D&D character for their birthday and I've done more paying art work in the last month than I have

I guess I've been naive my whole life for thinking that basically everyone in the United States would be on board for some good old-fashioned fascist bashin' just like Grandpa used to do. But here we are.

I think I have more time in Nuclear Throne than any other game in my steam library- something like 200 hours. And still, I've only beaten it twice and have never looped.

Dude, I made the mistake of allowing my group to take over a slaver's townhouse in one campaign.

For some reason I started playing Wasteland 2 Director's Cut again, not sure why but here we are. I think I'm a little past the halfway point as we've moved out of the Arizona desert and into inexplicably swampy and overgrown Los Angeles. Even though part of me wants to nitpick about the climate of the region and