
I found that Far Cry 3 becomes more enjoyable if you scream "SPRING BREEAK!!" whenever you're killing someone.

I was on board until I started dry-heaving at the mention of the Duplass brothers.

I feel so bad for Matt Furie. It must be a complete nightmare to have something you made appropriated and twisted like that.

A slow, meditative game is cool for like an hour or two but if it goes on longer than 2001: A Space Odyssey it starts to wear thin for me.

Much like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, this seems like a beautiful game that will not be fun to actually play.

I'm happy with anything as long it doesn't taste like orange drink fermented under a radiator.

A wise instinct. There is a pretty sweet Welcome Thrillho enamel pin out there for accessorizing purposes, by the same person that makes Bort license plates.

This is worse than your song about Mr. T!

Egghead likes his booky-wook!

I think it's going to be a little tough finding something quick to hand out to your players before they make characters- the setting has a lot of material and it can get convoluted. The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is pretty good if you have the money for it, but having your players read through it while making

I haven't had a ton of time to read through the whole thing, but Volo's Guide was one of the books I was really looking forward to from 5E. Even if it were just a bunch of new monsters (or, rather, old monsters updated to 5th Edition) I would have probably bought it, but doing a deep dive on iconic monsters and

My Thanksgiving trip home won't be long enough to warrant packing too much entertainment for myself, but once I get back to my apartment I plan on continuing my campaign against Advent in XCom 2. The aliens have started fielding more powerful units- archons have started showing up and most of the trooper type enemies

Acheron! And it was all played out on giant metal cubes.

Can a meme truly be dank?

That Hole Is For Hands, Internet!

I'm working on XCom 2 and maybe some Dark Souls and Pillars of Eternity as a means of putting the horse blinders on and escape defeat and despair for a while with… simulated defeat and despair… Maybe this plan is flawed…

I think "Bare Minimum" should be a possible soldier nickname with how often I would scrape by in the mid-game.

I'm gonna just go for the Dark Souls 3 DLC, I think. I was trying to run through with a new character, but honestly it seems like I'll never make progress that way. I have a high level character stuck on the end boss, so I'll just bring that one into the DLC or Archdragon Peak since I bet the two characters will end

An an American, I can only surmise that it must be another part of the pork lobby's arms race to get bacon into everything.

Call me old fashioned, but I think fire is magic and it scares me a lot.