
My triumvirate of games (Borderlands 2, Icewind Dale Enhanced, Dark Souls III) has basically just become Dark Souls since my playstation controller is acting weird with my Mac and I'm at the first major dungeon in Icewind Dale that I'm sick to death of since I've played it a million times since 1998. So Dark Souls all

So pour it onnnnn
Like it's the real thing, yeah
Faaake blood
You rock me like the real thing

I'm about 3/4s of the way through the game with my current character, I don't want to spoil anything if you end up coming back to it. Around level 30. I think the game really takes off once you end up in the higher levels and have enough skill points where your character starts feeling more distinct. Respecing your

Icewind Dale is great for how much fun you can have tinkering with party composition. The atmosphere and backgrounds are great (even if the backgrounds tend to be a little too dark) and it is a pretty good plot to hang a bunch of dungeon crawls around with a good variety of monsters to fight. I wish the second game

This weekend I will continue working on my trifecta of games: Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, Dark Souls 3 and Borderlands 2.

Someone on this site, who is likely a genius, played through as a Khajit and spent the whole game knocking things off of shelves in all the shops they entered.

I'm currently rotating between Borderlands 2, Dark Souls III and Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition. All games that I have played extensively before; in some ways it's just kind of a comfort food thing, I think.

Okay, that's reassuring.

I liked the class they added in the expansion a lot, but I think the base game got an overhaul in patches. Play the base game and see if you like it enough to get an expansion, I would say .

I was lukewarm at best on it when it first came out, but with the expansion and overhaul it became a lot of fun. Don't expect Diablo II and try to enjoy it for what it is. And it's definitely more fun with a friend.

I haven't gotten that far in yet, but I imagine they're going to task me with wiping out everyone on the surface or something, just like the Enclave in Fallout 3.

Last weekend I did a little bit more Fallout 4 and got to the Institute for the first time. It's an interesting twist, I'll give it that. So far I still plan to wipe those nerds out, even if I'm apparently supposed to do an about-face once I see what they're really up to. I don't really get hooked that much in Fallout

I saw Matt Groening and Lynda Barry doing a talk about their work and their friendship a year or two ago at BAM. I think almost everyone came to see Matt Groening (who seemed nice and was entertaining) but Lynda Barry just stole the show. She was always funny, really played well to the audience and had a lot of smart

Yeah, playing on the original cartridge it's definitely a grind early, grind often kind of game.

I would be very curious to see what you think of it. For me (and I imagine most other people that get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever they see that screenshot up there) Earthbound came at the right time, when I was at the right age to get into it. So it would be interesting to hear an opinion about the game from

In terms of video games, I'm kind of all over the place lately. I've been playing Borderlands 2 again solo as the Commando as kind of the mindless chill out game after work. I'm tempted to get the Handsome Collection just so my roommate and I can couch co-op- the price dropped, so it's a little more attractive. I

Our Princes of the Apocalypse campaign continued last week with a nice long session that was mostly combat. The party is clearing out the lairs of the Earth and Fire cults now that Air and Wind have been dealt with after getting their butts handed to them in the lava tubes where the most badass Fire guys hang out. I

I'm not sure how many video games I'll be able to play this weekend, but we are playing an extra long D&D session after a month off due to scheduling problems. So our intrepid band will continue with Princes of the Apocalypse for the time being, after the druid was reincarnated as a wood elf and the party decided to

Great write-up, I always look forward to reading these.

I love Lovecraftian stories, games and RPGS and yet (as far as games go) the subgenre has to be tailored a little more than the average game does and I think it benefits more from adaptation and an understanding of the intended players/audience. In the "purest" Lovecraft adaptation, there can be no victory against the